About Shared Lives

About Shared Lives

Shared Lives carers share their own home and family life with you for the time you live with them.

You will have your own bedroom.

You can share the living rooms with your Shared Lives household.

You can live in a Shared Lives arrangement for a
- long or

- short time

To live in a Shared Lives arrangement, you must be:

an older person

Age 18 or older with any of the following:
- Learning Disability
- mental health issues
- Sensory disability
- on the autistic spectrum
- Physical disability
- Dementia

Here are some of the things people who live with Shared Lives carers say:

"I like living with my Shared Lives carers because we do things as a family"

"I think Shared Lives is fine"

"I enjoy living with my Shared Lives carers. It is better than living on my own”

"I like what we all do together”

"Shared Lives is a good idea, it helps people live with families”

You can speak to your social worker about Shared Lives.