Development Plan
How does Bexley make planning decisions?
A Development Plan is a collection of planning policies which set out how land can be used and what can be built where in the borough. Planning applications are considered against these policies. Bexley’s Development Plan includes:
Document | Description |
Mayor's London Plan | The spatial development strategy for Greater London, which sets out the Mayor of London's vision for how London will develop over the next 20 to 25 years. Local Plans produced by planning authorities within London's administrative area must be in 'general conformity' with the London Plan |
Bexley Local Plan (PDF) | Sets out the planning framework for the borough covering issues such as housing provision; the economy, retail, and town centres; local character and design; infrastructure provision; and the environment |
Bexley Local Plan Policies Map | Illustrates geographically the application of the policies in the adopted Local Plan |
These policies are guided by the National Planning Policy Framework. The Council has also prepared a range of other documents that must be considered when deciding relevant planning applications. These are set out on Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance. The Local Plan is accompanied by an Infrastructure Delivery Plan (PDF), which supports the growth in the plan and will be regularly updated.
The Council also keeps up to date a three-year rolling programme of local development document production in the Bexley Local Development Scheme (PDF).
Preparation of the Local Plan was informed by an Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). The Bexley Local Plan IIA Post Adoption Statement (PDF) provides further details.
How can I get involved in planning future development in my neighbourhood?
The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) (PDF) sets out how you can become involved in planning in the London Borough of Bexley, both in deciding planning applications and preparing planning policy documents, including neighbourhood plans.
Neighbourhood planning was introduced to enable local communities to take ownership of the planning and development in their area. If local residents and/or businesses think that their area may have scope to accommodate additional development over and above what is set out in the Local Plan, or that it should be provided in a different way, then they should consider forming a Neighbourhood Forum and producing a Neighbourhood Development Plan.
The plans must be consistent with existing planning documents in order to form part of Bexley’s Development Plan. Producing a Neighbourhood Plan can be time-intensive, costly and complex so it is important to discuss any proposals with the Council as early as possible.