Local Plan monitoring
The Council produces reports related to its Development Plan that are required by legislation.
Local Plan Monitoring Reports
The Council monitors the effectiveness of its local plan policies and publishes reports that each cover a 12-month period of the Bexley Local Plan 2023. These reports also help the Government and the Mayor of London assess how successfully Bexley's policies support national and regional planning policies.
The monitoring report covering the first 12-month implementation period (April 2023 to March 2024) of the Bexley Local Plan 2023 is published below.
This first monitoring report demonstrates that Bexley’s new local plan is successfully contributing to the achievement of sustainable development in Bexley, despite the current agenda of planning reform at the national level.
Bexley Local Plan Monitoring Report (PDF)
Monitoring Bexley’s housing supply
Paragraphs 72 and 78 of the National Planning Policy Framework (December 2024) (NPPF) require local planning authorities to identify, through strategic policies in their local plans, a trajectory illustrating the expected rate of housing delivery over the plan period. This should include a five-year supply of specific, deliverable sites from the date of adoption of the local plan. This can be found at Annex D of the Bexley Local Plan 2023.
Additionally, the NPPF requires local planning authorities to “identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide a minimum of five years’ worth of housing against their housing requirement set out in adopted strategic policies” (para 78).
The Council’s latest 5 year housing land supply statement is included as Annex 1 to the local plan monitoring report available above.
The Government also publishes the housing delivery test measurement annually, which measures the number of homes delivered in each local planning authority area against their housing targets, over the previous three years. In the most recently published measurement the Council delivered 106% of its housing target, and as a result there is no requirement for the Council to apply an additional buffer to the housing land supply, or to produce a housing delivery action plan.