Please remember that anything that requires batteries or a plug to operate is classified as Waste Electronic or Electrical Equipment (WEEE) and cannot be disposed of in household rubbish and recycling bins.

However, they can be taken to the electrical appliance recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.

Find your item and how to dispose of it
ItemHow to dispose of it correctly
Aerosol cansRecycle - must be empty and placed in your white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, can banks at reuse and recycling centres and selected local recycling banks.
Paper bagsReuse - keep it and use the bag again.
Recycle - remove the handle of the bag if it is not paper and then recycle the rest of the bag in blue lidded recycling bins, blue Recycling Box, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and paper bank at the reuse and recycling centres.
You could also fill the paper bags with shredded paper so that it does not blow out of your recycling bin on collection day.
Aluminium cansRecycle - must be empty and placed in your white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops. Can banks at reuse and recycling centres and selected local recycling banks.
Aluminium foil and containersReuse - keep it and reuse for wrapping/storing food or craft ideas.
Recycle - must be clean and placed in white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, can banks at reuse and recycling centres and selected local recycling banks.
Animal beddingRecycle - natural material/bedding from a non meat eating animal can be composted in your home compost bin or brown garden waste bin (chargeable service). Please wrap it in newspaper or in a paper bag before placing it in your brown bin.
Dispose - any other animal bedding must be disposed of in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
Animal carcassesDispose - vets should be able to advise you about burial options for pets and domestic animals. The Council can clear dead animals from public pavements, roads, parks and open spaces, anywhere that it is causing a nuisance on public land. The Council offers a chargeable collection service for dead foxes and some other wild animals from private land, please visit the Bexley page for more information. Any company that deals with waste disposal should have a waste carriers licence. You can check a licence via the government website.
AntifreezeReuse - donate to a friend of family member.
Recycle - cans or bottles containing antifreeze would need to be collected by the Hazardous Waste Collection Service please contact the Corporation of London on 020 7332 3433.
Empty cans or bottles can be recycled in your white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, can banks at reuse and recycling centres and selected local recycling banks.
AsbestosDispose - cement bonded asbestos (sheets, tiles and pipes) can be taken to the reuse and recycling centres, please ask for assistance from the site staff when you arrive. We advise that you double bag small amounts of asbestos and wrap big pieces in polythene.
AshReuse - scatter in your garden as a fertilizer (it is rich in Nitrogen). Do not place large amounts directly onto your soil. Compost in your home compost bin (in moderation).Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at the GetComposting website at the related links below.
Dispose - place small amounts into your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin. Important note - wait for Ash to get cold before putting it into a bag in the bin and limit the quantity of ash as it is very heavy. If Council provided wheeled bins are damaged due to hot ash there will be a charge for a replacement bin.
Asthma PumpsReduce - there are charities such as Inter Care who accept unused and in date medicines which are then used in developing countries.
Recycle - asthma inhalers should not be put in your rubbish or recycling bin as they contain gases which are harmful to the environment. When they are taken to a pharmacy in Bexley they will be 99.9% recycled. The cardboard box that houses the inhaler and any paper inserts should be recycled in your blue lidded paper recycling bin.
Baby itemsSee clothing, prams, cots and toys.
Baby seatsReuse - if in good condition these could be donated to a charity shop, friends and family; Freegle or Olio.
Dispose - unfortunately these are currently not recyclable. Please place in the hard plastic recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
BagsReuse - good condition items such as hand bags, sports bags and cotton bags can be donated to charity shops, friends and family, Freegle or Olio. Sell as second items and advertise locally. Plain cotton handbags & sports bags can be placed into textile banks if reusable. There are local recycling banks across the borough or at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - bags which can not be reused need to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres. See carrier bags for further information.
Bamboo and canesReuse - in your garden or donate them to a school or community project or via Freegle or Olio.
Recycle - these can be put in the garden waste area’s at the reuse and recycling centres.
Bathroom fittingsReuse - a good condition bathroom suite could be sold e.g. via online market place/local advertising, or given away via Freegle, Olio or local adverts. Contact salvage yards to sell sinks and baths for reconditioning. Sink, baths and even toilets make interesting planters for the garden.
Recycle - metal sinks, baths and toilets can be recycled at the metal bank at the reuse and recycling centres Ceramic items can be placed in the construction recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - items that are not metal or ceramic are not recyclable and should be placed in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
BatteriesReduce - buy rechargeable batteries.
Recycle - at battery banks at the reuse and recycling centres, Council run libraries and Bexleyheath Civic Centre. At the libraries they are sent to recycle More. Many supermarkets now offer battery recycling bins. Some retail outlets across the borough.
Dispose - you should never put batteries in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin as they contain hazardous materials.
Bedding and bed linenReuse - old sheet as dust sheets or tear up into rags for cleaning. Donate to a charity shop or place in the textile bank at the local recycling banks and the reuse and recycling centre. Check the charity shop will accept your items first. Give away via Freegle, Olio, local charity shops or sell locally.
Dispose - if it is not in a reusable condition please place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
BicyclesReuse - sell or donate to a charity shop or friend/family member. Donate via Freegle, Olio, local charity shops or local adverts. Deposit at the Reuse area at the councils reuse and recycling centres.
Recycle - non reusable items can be recycled in the metal recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Biscuit wrappersReduce - make your own biscuits. Choose biscuits in larger packs and avoid individually wrapped items.
Recycle - the Wasteless market collect many non kerbside recyclable items including biscuit wrappers. These are sent to TerraCycle to be recycled. A donation to charities is made for every kg collected.
Dispose - place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
Blister PacksSee Drugs and Medicines
Board gamesReuse - donate complete games to a charity shop a local community group/school, via Freegle, Olio or via local advertising/online market Re-Gift or Sell games.
Recycle - cardboard board games can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - unusable/ incomplete plastic games should be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin and/or taken to the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
BooksReduce - borrow books from the library or friends rather than buying them. Try Bexley's digital library for access to lots of great library services for free 24/7 from the comfort of your own home, e.g. eBooks, emagazines and audio books with Libby.
Reuse - donate books in good condition to a charity shop or friend/family member/Freegle/Olio, local schools (check first if they are wanted). Selective local recycling sites have book banks. Donate to a book bank at the reuse and recycling centres. The books are resold in charity shops.
Recycle - books which cannot be reused can be recycled in the blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres.
Bottle tops and lidsReuse - donate to a school/community group/Freegle for craft activities, sell via an online market. Look out for local charities who collect these. visit The Wasteless Market website (link in the related section below).
Recycle - place the lid back onto the plastic bottle or glass jar that it came from and only once it is empty of its contents recycle in the white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops.
BottlesSee Glass bottles and Plastic bottles.
BreadReduce - freeze sliced bread or try buying a small loaf.
Reuse - make bread into croutons, breadcrumbs (that can then be frozen), French toast.
Recycle - this can be composted in your food waste bin. Visit Love Food Hate Waste for lots of advice on reducing your food waste. Try waste reduction and sharing Apps, Kitche & Olio - See 'Food' for more ideas.
Bread bagsRecycle - the Wasteless market collect many non kerbside recyclable items including bread bags. These are sent to TerraCycle to be recycled. A donation to charities is made for every kg collected. For more information and to find out where they have stalls visit the Wasteless Market website (link in the related section below).
Dispose - place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
Breeze blocksRecycle - can be recycled in the hardcore and rubble recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Bric-a-BracReuse - items in good condition could be sold or donated to a charity shop or friend/family member. Donated via Freegle, Olio, local charity shops or local adverts or online markets.
Recycle - please divide up your Bric-a-Brac and recycle anything you can separating plastic, metal paper & cardboard. Place non recyclable material in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
BricksSee Building Materials.
Brita filter cartridgesRecycle - these can be recycled at six locations in the borough across Erith, Bexleyheath, Crayford and Abbeywood. Visit the Recycle Now website in the related links section below for a list of all outlets that recycle water cartridges.
Dispose - place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or the the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres
Brochures or leafletsReduce - only take leaflets/brochures if you are going to use them.
Reuse - donate to a school/community group, Freegle or Olio for reading or craft activities. Try donating to a charity/ doctors surgery or other waiting rooms/areas.
Recycle - these can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and reuse and recycling centres.
BrushesReuse - for cleaning, tooth brushes are especially good for cleaning small items and harder to reach places/grouting between tiles. Donate paint brush items in good condition donate to a school/community group/Freegle/Olio for craft activities or sell via an online market or locally.
Dispose - any unusable items should be disposed of in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
Bubble wrapReuse - save and wrap up parcels or protect plants from the frost. Give away to others or donate to a school/community group/Freegle for craft activities. If you have a lot sell using online/local advertising.
Dispose - unfortunately, this is currently not recyclable. Please place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Building materialsReuse - these might be able to be sold or donated to a building project. Offer on Freegle/Olio e.g. patio slabs, small amount of hardcore, wood or sell using online/local advertising.
Recycle - in the rubble and hardcore recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
BulbsSee Light Bulbs.
ButtonsReuse - give away to others or donate to a school/community group, Freegle or Olio for craft activities. Sell using online/local advertising.
Dispose - unfortunately these are not recyclable. Please place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
CamerasReuse - try repairing your old camera rather than buying a new one - for professional help visit The Restart Project for a link for London Businesses. Give away via Freegle, Olio a charity shop or sell through online/local advertising.
Recycle - in the small electrical appliance's area at the reuse and recycling centres. Look out for companies who you can post your camera to for recycling e.g. Boots.
Dispose - modern cameras contain electrical components and therefore must be recycled in the small electrical appliance recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres or local recycling banks (check which facilities are available before you travel) They should not go in the household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
CandlesReuse - there are lots of ways to reuse candles such as melt down and make into new candles, fill in small gaps in window and doors, keep wooden drawers running smoothly by rubbing wax on the underneath side, polishing furniture.
Dispose - unfortunately, this is currently not recyclable. Please place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
CansReduce - for drinks cans, consider having a different type of drink in a reusable bottle. Refilling a dedicated water bottle or flask with water is the best option. There are sites across the borough to refill with water on the go - visit or download 'Refill app'.
Recycle - these can be recycled in white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, can banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks.
Car batteriesRecycle - they must be recycled in a battery bank. Take to the car battery recycling bank at the reuse and recycling centres. For more information about safe disposal visit the Take Charge website at the related links below.
Dispose - do not throw away car batteries or any batteries in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
Car bumpersDispose - unfortunately, these are currently not recyclable. Please place in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres
Smoke Alarms and Carbon monoxide detectorsRecycle - you may be able to return your old detector to the company who supplied it when you order a new one.
Dispose - these cannot be recycled and cannot be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin. Please place in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres. Do not dispose of more than 1 at a time.
CardboardReuse for craft activities. Cardboard and cardboard boxes could be given away via Freegle or local online market place/local advertising.
Recycle - if it is not contaminated with food or fat residues it can be recycled in the blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - if the cardboard is very soiled or greasy (eg a pizza box) then it should be disposed of in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the the non-recyclable rubbish area at the Reuse and Recycling Centres
Cardboard food packagingRecycle - if it is not contaminated with food/fat residues it can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - if the cardboard is very soiled/ greasy (eg a pizza box) then it should be disposed of in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area area at the reuse and recycling centres.
CarpetsSee Underlay
Reuse - donate items in good condition to a charity shop, friends and family, via Freegle or Olio or sell via an online market or locally. Use in the garden to prevent weeds. Reuse in your house or garden.
Recycle - please place in the carpet recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. Underlay can also be recycled in the carpet recycling area.
Dispose - arrange for a bulky waste collection through the council or a private waste operator Important note - Please ensure that any external waste companies that you use have a 'waste carriers licence' as you are responsible for the disposal of these items. A waste carriers license is a legal requirement for businesses transporting waste as part of their commercial activities. By obtaining a valid license, you can demonstrate that you're committed to disposing of waste safely and legally, and you can avoid the risk of penalties for non-compliance.
Carrier bagsReduce - replace your plastic carrier bags with reusable bags like a cotton or long life bag instead.
Reuse - for another shopping trip or as a bin liner
Recycle - carrier bags can be recycled in some supermarkets.
Dispose - unfortunately, these can not be recycled, place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres
CarsReuse - part exchange or sell your old car online or locally
Recycle - take to a car scrappage yard - please look in the phone directory or on the internet for your nearest scrappage yard
CartonsReduce - cartons cannot be easily sorted from other items at a Material Recycling Facility because they are made of 2 or 3 separate layers of materials. Therefore choose to buy items in more easily recyclable types of packaging eg glass or plastic containers.
Dispose - unfortunately these cannot be recycled, place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
CassettesSee CDs, DVDs, cassettes and records
Cat litterRecycle - biodegradable (wood based) cat litter can be placed in your home compost bin or garden waste bin - please remove faeces first.
Dispose - place non biodegradable cat litter in the household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
CataloguesReduce - sign up to online versions. Use Bexley's digital library for access to lots of great library services for free 24/7 from the comfort of your own home, eg eBooks, emagazines and audio books.
Reuse - great for art projects or give away via Freegle or Olio or other local groups.
Recycle - these can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres.
CDs, DVDs, cassettes and recordsReuse - swap with friends and consider borrowing/hiring CD and DVDs instead of buying them. Donate to a charity shop, community group, or via Freegle, Olio or other local groups or sell them. Use Bexley's digital library for access to lots of great library services for free 24/7 from the comfort of your own home, e.g. eBooks, emagazines and audio books.
Reuse - make into a bird scarer for your garden.
Dispose - unfortunately, these are not currently recyclable. If not reusable, please place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
CellophaneDispose - unfortunately, this is currently not recyclable. Please place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres
CeramicsReuse - if in good condition donate to a charity shop, local groups or via Freegle or Olio, or sell on to others through local face to face or online markets. Place in the reuse area at the reuse and recycling centres (please speak to a member of staff who will be able to direct you to this area)
Dispose - place items in the construction recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. If you cannot get to the reuse and recycling area then small damaged items can be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin (please make sure they are well wrapped)
Cereal boxesReuse - these can be reused as craft material.
Recycle - these can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres. You could also fill cereal boxes with shredded paper so that it does not blow out of your recycling bin on collection day.
Cheese wrappers, cleanedRecycle - the Wasteless market collect many non kerbside recyclable items including cheese wrappers. These are sent to TerraCycle to be recycled. A donation to charities is made for every kg collected. For more information and to find out where they have stalls visit the website at the related links section below.
Dispose - place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
ChemicalsDispose - these need to be collected by the Hazardous Waste Collection Service. To arrange a collection please contact the Corporation of London on 020 7332 3433.
China and crockeryReuse - sell good condition items. Donate to a charity shop or friend/family member, community group, Freegle, Olio or local free market networks. Place in the reuse area at the reuse and recycling centres (please speak to a member of staff who will be able to direct you to this area)
Dispose - place damaged items in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres (please make sure they are well wrapped).
ChipboardReuse - you may be able to reuse this or sell/donate it to a building project.
Recycle - in the dedicated area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Christmas treesReduce - buying a potted tree allows you to use it year after year or try a hire company.
Reuse - artificial trees can be reused each year. When they are no longer reusable they need to be placed in the household waste area at the reuse and recycling centre as they are not recyclable. If your tree is in good condition consider selling or donating via online markets, local networks, Freegle, Olio, or give to friends/family.
Recycle - real trees in the garden waste area at the reuse and recycling centres. Look out after Christmas for arrangements for the kerbside collection of Christmas trees for Garden Waste Customers.
Cleaning productsReuse - refill sachets and tablets are available to buy online that slot inside your bottle, just add water - avoid those in 'plastic pouches' as the pouches cannot be recycled in our kerbside collection service.
Recycle - recycle empty bottles - see plastic bottle for more information.
Dispose - unwanted cleaning products should not be poured down the sink unless designed for this purpose. Please contact us if you are unsure about how to dispose of a cleaning product as it varies depending on the chemical. In some cases it may need to be collected by the Hazardous Waste Collection Service (who can be contacted on 020 7332 3433)
Cling filmReduce - use a reusable lunch box or beeswax wrap instead. Try reusable silicone lids or reuse plastic sandwich bags (wash first if reusing).
Dispose - place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
Clocks and watchesReuse - donate to a charity shop, online community groups, Freegle or Olio. Try to repair clocks and watches before replacing them. Sell via local markets or online
Recycle - electrical clocks can be recycled in the small electrical appliance recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
ClothingReduce - consider carefully if you need more clothing. Visit the Hubbub website for hints tips and ideas. Could you update your item instead? Look to fix or mend your clothing, small holes, missing buttons and hemming are simple to do at home.
Reuse - donate to a charity shop or give to a friend/family member, local community groups, Freegle or Olio. Sell as second items through local advertising or online market places. Donate Bras at the Wasteless market or charity shops
Recycle - arrange a doorstep collection via TRAID and Bexley Council partnership. Selective local recycling banks and the reuse and recycling centres have textile banks for clothes suitable or reuse or recycling. If your clothes are not in a good enough condition to be reused you could make them into dusters/rags to be used at home. Check with your local charity shop as many may take unwearable items as 'scrap material'. Old pieces of fabric can be good as craft material.
Dispose - dirty/oily material should be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
Coat hangersReuse - donate to a charity shop or give to a friend/family member, or offer to others via Freegle or Olio or other local networks.
Recycle - recycle metal hangers in the metal recycling bank at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - place broken items household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
Coffee groundsRecycle - these can be composted in your home compost bin - in moderation and food waste bin. Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at the GetComposting website at the related links below.
Coffee podsReduce - consider if you can make coffee using other methods.
Recycle - both plastic and aluminium coffee pods can be recycled at Thames Road and Footscray Reuse and Recycling Centre’s. More locations for drop off via the podback scheme can be found on the Pod Back website.
CoinsReuse - donate to a charity if the money is still in circulation, give to a friend/family member, local community groups, Freegle or Olio, or sell via local networks/market places.
Compostable wasteSee food and garden waste.
Computer games and consolesReuse - give to a friend/family member, local community groups, Freegle or Olio, or sell via local networks/market places. Donate to a charity shop - please make sure consoles are working before donating these or part exchange for new games.
Recycle - consoles can be recycled at the reuse and recycling centres in the small electrical appliance recycling area.
ComputersReuse - try to repair computers before replacing them. Donate to a charity if they are still working, give to a friend/family member, local community groups, Freegle or Olio. Please ensure all personal data has been removed from the hard drive before giving to others.
Recycle - these can be recycled in the electrical appliance recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Confidential papersImportant: Please shred confidential paper (small quantities can be torn)
Reuse - use as animal bedding Recycle Can be recycled in the blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres. You could also fill cereal boxes or paper bags with shredded paper so that it does not blow out of your recycling bin on collection day
Construction wasteReuse - you may be able to reuse this or sell sell/donate it to a building project.
Recycle - in the dedicated recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. We have separate collection points for wood and asbestos, please ask the staff for assistance
CookersReuse - repair broken cookers rather than replacing them. there are a variety of organisations who will collect these for reuse including Selkent on 01322 435593 or email, British Heart Foundation on 0844 499 4167 or Emmaus Greenwich on 020 8854 3426 or email (there may be a small charge for collection).
Recycle - in the large electrical appliance's area at the reuse and recycling centres or arrange for a bulky waste collection.
Cooking and vegetable oilReduce - try to cook with less oil where possible, spray oils and adding a spout to your bottle can Reduce what you use and save you money too.
Recycle - collect oil in a glass container (or plastic container when it has cooled down) and recycle in the cooking oil recycling container at the reuse and recycling centres Disposal. Do not tip down your sink as it causes 'fat bergs', if necessary soak up with kitchen roll and place in the food waste recycling box.
Copper pipesRecycle - in the metal recycling bank at the reuse and recycling centres
Cork/sReuse - donate to a school or community group for reuse in craft activities. Give to a friend/family member or via Freegle, Olio or local market places
Dispose - unfortunately, this is currently not recyclable and needs to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres
CotsReuse - donate to a charity shop or give to a friend/family member. Give to a friend/family member or via Freegle, Olio or local market places. Sell as second items through local advertising or online market places. Wooden cots with no major damage can be placed in the reuse area at the reuse and recycling centres (please speak to a member of staff who will be able to direct you to this area).
Recycle - if the cot is damaged it can be recycled in the wood recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - plastic type cots should be placed in the hard plastic recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
CurtainsReuse - old sheet as dust sheets or tear up into rags for cleaning. Donate to a charity shop or place in the textile bank at the local recycling banks and the reuse and recycling centre. Check the charity shop accept your items first or give away via Freegle, Olio, local charity shops or use local adverts. Sell via an online market or locally. Cut up unusable curtains for craft activities. Contact local animal sanctuaries to see if they have use for them.
Dispose - if they are not in good condition then please place in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
DirectoriesReduce - try Bexley's digital library for access to lots of great library services for free 24/7 from the comfort of your own home, eg eBooks, emagazines and audio books
Reuse - maybe useful for arts or crafts projects.
Recycle - these can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and reuse and recycling centres.
Dishwasher Reuse - repair broken cookers rather than replacing them. Donate for reuse - try your local charity shop Selkent on 01322 435593 or email, British Heart Foundation on 0844 499 4167 or Emmaus Greenwich on 020 8854 3426 or email (there may be a small charge for collection). Donate via Freegle, Olio or locally via face to face or online groups or sell via an online market or locally.
Recycle - in the large electrical appliance recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. Arrange for a council bulky waste collection.
Important note - please ensure that any external waste companies that you use have a 'waste carriers licence' as you are responsible for the disposal of these items. A waste carriers license is a legal requirement for businesses transporting waste as part of their commercial activities. By obtaining a valid license, you can demonstrate that you're committed to disposing of waste safely and legally, and you can avoid the risk of penalties for non-compliance.
Dishwasher tablet packetsRecycle - the Wasteless market collect many non kerbside recyclable items including dishwasher tablet packers. These are sent to TerraCycle to be recycled. A donation to charities is made for every kg collected. For more information and to find out where they have stalls visit the Wasteless Market website (link below).
Dispose - place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
Dog faeces Dispose - this needs to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin, please ensure it is bagged.
Domestic appliancesReuse - repair broken items rather than replacing them, donate for reuse - try your local charity shop Selkent on 01322 435593 or email, British Heart Foundation on 0844 499 4167 or Emmaus Greenwich on 020 8854 3426 or email (there may be a small charge for collection). Sell via an online market or locally.
Recycle - in the large electrical appliance recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. Arrange for a bulky waste collection. Important note - Please ensure that any external waste companies that you use have a 'waste carriers licence' as you are responsible for the disposal of these items. A waste carriers license is a legal requirement for businesses transporting waste as part of their commercial activities. By obtaining a valid license, you can demonstrate that you're committed to disposing of waste safely and legally, and you can avoid the risk of penalties for non-compliance
DoorsReuse - donate to a charity shop, friends and family or local community centre or school; Freegle or Olio. Sell as second items through local advertising or online market places.
Recycle - wooden doors can be recycled in the wood area at the reuse and recycling centres. Arrange for a bulky waste collection - charges apply.
Dispose - plastic doors are unfortunately not recyclable and need to be placed in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Drink cartonsSee cartons.
Drinking glassesSee glass cups.
Drugs and medicinesReduce - there are charities such as Inter Care who accept unused and in date medicines which are then used in developing countries.
Recycle - empty blister packs can be recycled via the Wasteless Market. Empty glass or plastic medicine bottles can be recycled in the white lidded recycling bin. Empty cardboard box's and information leaflets from medicines that are no longer required can be recycled in the blue lidded recycling bin.
Dispose - if medicines are flushed down the toilet or sink then traces of them can end up in water courses like rivers or the sea. If medicines are not finished then they must be taken to a pharmacy so that they can be disposed of safely. If the medicine is finished and the packaging is not recyclable then it needs to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the household waste area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dust binsReuse - your bin in the garden as a planter or water storage container.
Recycle - metal dust bins can be recycled in the metal area at the reuse and recycling centres. Plastic dust bins can be recycled in the hard plastic recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
DuvetsSee Bedding and Bed linen.
DVD playerReuse - repair if possible rather than replacing it. Donate for reuse - try your local charity shop see links, or via Freegle, Olio or face to face or online communities or sell via an online market or locally.
Recycle - in the small electrical appliance recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres or selected local recycling banks.
DVDsSee CDs, DVDs, cassettes and records.
Egg boxesReuse - use for growing seeds, chitting potatoes, or for kids art projects Recycle Recycled in the blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops. Paper bank at selected local recycling banks. Paper bank at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - if the cardboard is very soiled then it should be disposed of in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Egg shellsSee Food for more information.
Reuse - save and crush to use as snail and slug deterrent.
Recycle - compost in your home compost bin or food waste caddy - you can request a fox proof external food waste bin by visiting the online portal.
Electric Wheelchair/ ScooterReuse - repair if possible rather than replacing it. Donate for reuse - try your local charity shop see links, or via Freegle, Olio or face to face or online communities. Sell via an online market or locally to a specialist company that can collect old electric wheelchairs and re-furbish them.
Dispose - the Council cannot collect these via the bulky waste collection. Alternatively take to the Council's Reuse and Recycling Centre's and ask a member of the site staff who will dispose of them safely.
Engine oilRecycle - in the engine oil container at reuse and recycling centres.
EnvelopesReuse - envelopes can be reused by putting a sticky label over the address or using them as scrap paper.
Recycle - blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and reuse and recycling centres.
FabricSee Textiles
Fairy LightsSee small electrical items
Fire extinguishersThese are accepted at the reuse and recycling centres. Please ask a member of staff for assistance, who will take them to a designated area. Under no circumstances put these in any household recycling or non-recyclable bins or bags.
FishSee Food
Flowers/plantsReuse - plants which are still alive can be replanted in another location in the garden or you can give them away. Some can be replanted in the garden when they are no longer wanted in the house.  Donate for reuse, try your local charity shop, Freegle, Olio or sell via online market place or locally.
Recycle - these can be composted in your home compost bin, brown garden waste bin (chargeable service and garden waste recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Fluorescent tubesReduce - replace with low energy bulbs that last longer - contact SELCE for advice on energy saving lighting.
Reuse - if working but no longer required consider giving them away via Freegle, Olio or through other local networks.
Recycle - please bring to the bulbs recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
FoamReuse - donate to a local community group for use in craft activities.
Dispose - unfortunately, this cannot be recycled and needs to be placed in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres. Small pieces of foam can go into your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
FoilReduce - consider using washable non stick tray liners Recycle Clean foil can be recycled in white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, can banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks. Try to keep in a large ball rather than squashing tightly to aid the sorting facility.
FoodReduce - try to reduce the food that goes to waste - see Love Food Hate Waste. Download Kitche a smart kitchen food waste app for cost-saving & food-waste reduction at home. Leftovers can be eaten the next day or made into a new meal. 'Use by' is the safety date. Do not eat food after its 'use by date'. Best before' is a quality date. It is safe to eat food after the best before date just look and smell your food first. Donate to a community fridge scheme - there are 5 in the borough. The waste team carry out workshops across the year - for more information email if you would like a workshop, demo or talk at your local community group/workplace etc. Get your food portions right so that you prepare, cook and eat the right amount. Rice 75g, Pasta 100g, Cereal 35g see Love Food Hate Waste for more. Place your unwrapped fruit and vegetables into 'stay fresh longer bags'. These can be reused many times and help to make your food last longer.
Reuse - Download Olio a local sharing app where you can pass on items you no longer need to people who live nearby.
Recycle - all food including vegetables, fruit, pasta, meat, fish, teabags, eggshells can be placed into your home compost bin where it will be recycled into compost. You can request a fox proof external food waste bin by visiting the related links below.
Food cartonsRecycle - clean food cartons can be recycled in white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, carton banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks.
Fridges and freezersReduce - repair fridges and freezer before replacing them - use a local recommended tradesperson.
Reuse - there are a variety of organisations who will collect these for reuse including Selkent on 01322 435593 or email, British Heart Foundation on 0844 499 4167 or Emmaus Greenwich on 020 8854 3426 or email (there may be a small charge for collection). Donate to online community groups such as Freegle, Olio or sell via local markets or online.
Recycle - place in the dedicated recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Important note - Please ensure that any external waste companies that you use have a 'waste carriers licence' as you are responsible for the disposal of these items. A waste carriers license is a legal requirement for businesses transporting waste as part of their commercial activities. By obtaining a valid license, you can demonstrate that you're committed to disposing of waste safely and legally, and you can avoid the risk of penalties for non-compliance.
FruitReduce - consider freezing your fruit before it shows signs of rotting. Store soft fruit in the fridge. Try 'stay fresher longer bags'. Keep some fruit in the fridge and some in the fruit bowl. It will last up to two weeks longer in the fridge. When your fruit bowl is empty fill it up from your fridge stock. The waste team run a variety of food waste reduction cookery workshops, talks and demos. If you are interested or would like a visit to your group please email
Reuse - fruit which you no longer want to eat can be made into a smoothie.
Recycle - these can be composted in your brown compost bin/food waste. Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at the GetComposting website at the related links section below.
NOTE - Ideally place fruit from fallen trees in your garden into your home compost bin or garden waste bin. Small amounts can also be placed in your food waste boxes if you have space.
FurnitureReuse - if the furniture does not have major damage please place in the reuse area at the reuse and recycling centres (please ask a member of staff to direct you to this area). Furniture with textiles material must have the fire safety label intact to be able to sell or give to a charity shop. Please do not remove this label from any new items, stick it into place so your item can be passed on in the future. Good quality furniture can be sold. Some charity shops are able to accept furniture. Donate it to a friend/family member or through Freegle or Olio or other local groups.
there are a variety of organisations who will collect these for reuse including Selkent on 01322 435593 or email, British Heart Foundation on 0844 499 4167 or Emmaus Greenwich on 020 8854 3426 or email (there may be a small charge for collection).
Recycle - If the furniture is not suitable for reuse and is made from wood, metal or MDF, chipboard and plywood they can be recycled, please separate into the dedicated areas.
Dispose - anything which can not be reused or recycled will need to be placed in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres. Arrange a bulky waste collection through the council Important note - Please ensure that any external waste companies that you use have a 'waste carriers licence' as you are responsible for the disposal of these items. A waste carriers license is a legal requirement for businesses transporting waste as part of their commercial activities. By obtaining a valid license, you can demonstrate that you're committed to disposing of waste safely and legally, and you can avoid the risk of penalties for non-compliance.
Garden chemicalsDispose - these need to be collected by the Hazardous Waste Collection Service. Please contact the Corporation of London on 020 7332 3433 to arrange a collection.
Garden furnitureSee Furniture or Wood
Reuse - some charity shops are able to accept furniture. Donate it to a friend/family member or through Freegle or Olio or other local groups or sell via local community groups, online groups.
Recycle - plastic items can be recycled in the hard plastics area at the reuse and recycling centres Wood items can be recycled in the wood recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - arrange for a bulky waste collection through the council Important note - Please ensure that any external waste companies that you use have a 'waste carriers licence' as you are responsible for the disposal of these items. A waste carriers license is a legal requirement for businesses transporting waste as part of their commercial activities. By obtaining a valid license, you can demonstrate that you're committed to disposing of waste safely and legally, and you can avoid the risk of penalties for non-compliance.
Garden wasteRecycle - this can be composted in your home compost bin. Bexley residents get a reduced rate when buying bins from the GetComposting website on the related links section below. Your brown garden waste bin (chargeable service). The garden waste recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres
Gas cylindersSee also Nitrous Gas Cannisters.
Reuse - these can be taken back to the store where they were purchased. If you are unable to do this please take to the reuse and recycling centres and ask a member of staff for assistance when you arrive. Under no circumstances should gas cylinders be placed in any recyclable or non-recyclable rubbish bin or bag.
Glass bottlesRecycle - these can be recycled in white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, glass bottle banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks.
Glasses (drinking utensils)Reuse - if not broken these can be donated to a charity shop.
Dispose - these are not recyclable and must be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin (ensure they are well wrapped) or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Glass sheetsDispose - unfortunately these are currently not recyclable and need to be taken to the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Glues and adhesivesDispose - unfortunately these are currently not recyclable and need to be taken to the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres. Large quantities of glue have to be collected by the Hazardous Waste Collection Service. Please contact the Corporation of London on 020 7332 3433.
Grass cuttingsReduce - consider reducing the size of your grass area or mow less frequently. Create pathways through your lawn rather than mowing it all. For new lawns choose grass seed that is more dry weather tolerant and generally tougher and slower growing, see the Royal Horticultural Society website for advice.
Recycle - these can be composted in your home compost bin, brown garden waste bin (chargeable service) and food waste bin. Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at the GetComposting website at the related links section below.
Greaseproof paperReduce - try to use silicone or a reusable non stick liner, just wash and use again and again Recycle This can be composted in your home compost bin - please shred into small pieces. Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at the GetComposting website at the related links section below. If the paper is clean, this can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres.
Greeting cardsReuse - make old cards into gift tags or other craft projects.
Recycle - blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres. Look out after Christmas for any shops collecting cards for recycling.
Grow bagsSee soil and plastic packaging.
GutteringReuse - reuse for garden projects, sowing seeds in and then planting out a whole row at once.
Recycle - these can be recycled in the hard plastics recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
HairReuse - place around susceptible plants to deter slugs.
Recycle - this can be composted in your home compost bin and garden waste service (chargeable service). Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at the GetComposting website at the related links section below.
HairdryerReuse - Repair hairdryers before replacing them. The Restart project has a list of venues where you can fix items
Recycle - This can be recycled in the small electrical appliance recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. Recycle at the mini banks for small electrical items. Add a small bag of electrical items with your clothes collection if using TRAID. TRAID is a charity that the council is working in partnership with to provide a doorstep textiles collection for those that need or want this type of service.
HammerReduce - do not replace unless broken. Schools and charities may be able to make use of these tools.
Recycle - in the metal recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Handicraft materialsReuse - donate to a local playgroup or community group.
Recycle - if the items are of one type of material, such as paper, or can be separated into each material please place these in your recycling bins.
Dispose - if you are unable to reuse these items and they are not made of paper they will have to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Hardcore and rubbleRecycle - hardcore and rubble recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres
Hay and strawRecycle - compost in your home compost bin - in moderation, small amounts in your garden waste bin (chargeable service) and the garden waste recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at the GetComposting website at the related links section below.
Hazardous wasteDispose - this must be collected by the Hazardous Waste Collection Service. To arrange a collection please contact the Corporation of London on 020 7332 3433.
Hearing aidRecycle - these can be recycled in the small electrical appliances area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Reuse - look out in hospitals, surgeries and charity shops for any charity collections.
Household wasteRecycle - please separate your recyclable household waste and recycle these in the appropriate way. Separate your waste into each material before bringing to the reuse and recycling centres and recycle all that you can.
Dispose - non-recyclable household waste needs to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres
Ice cream tubsReuse - these can be reused as a lunch box or to store items in.
Recycle - these can be recycled in your white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, plastic packaging banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks.
IronsReuse - if working these can be donated to the British Heart Foundation - 0844 499 4167. See if you can get it fixed first - check the restart project for upcoming 'fixing' events Give away to others via Freegle, Olio other online groups or friends/family.
Recycle - selective local recycling banks have banks for small electrical items. Recycle in the small electrical appliances section at the reuse and recycling centres.Add a small bag of electrical items with your clothes collection if using TRAID. TRAID is a charity that the council is working in partnership with to provide a doorstep textiles collection for those that need or want this type of service.
JarsReuse - jars can be reused for home made jams and pickles. Jars can be decorated to make tea light holders or other upcycling projects. Give away to others through Freegle or other online/face to face community group hubs.
Recycle - these can be recycled in your white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, glass bottle banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks.
JewelleryReuse - donate to a charity shop, give to friend or family, give via Freegle or Olio. Use to make other jewellery or for craft activities. Sell locally or via an online platform.
Dispose - unfortunately, jewellery which can not be recycled needs to be put in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Jiffy bagsReuse - keep and reuse for another parcel. Give away via Freegle or Olio as others may have a need for them.
Recycle - if you remove the plastic inside the bag first these can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin if you cannot separate the plastic from the paper outer lining.
Jigsaw puzzlesReuse - complete puzzles can be donated to a charity shop, children's charity or playgroup, Freegle or Olio Recycle If the jigsaw puzzle is incomplete any parts of the puzzle made of paper and cardboard can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres.
Junk mailReduce - sign up to the Mail Preference Service (MPS) (Opens in a new window) to Reduce the amount of junk mail you receive Recycle These can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres.
Keys and locksReuse - old locks and keys may be of interest to others for art projects or collections - try to sell or give away through your local charity shop, Freegle or Olio
Recycle - these can be recycled in the metal recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. Look in the yellow pages or on the internet for scrap metal merchants
Kitchen foilSee aluminium foil.
Kitchen rolls/Kitchen paperReduce - try to use reusable cloths rather than kitchen roll.
Reuse - the inside of kitchen rolls can be reused to make craft materials.
Recycle - the inside of kitchen rolls can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres. Small amounts of used kitchen paper can be recycled in your home compost bin - tear up into small pieces Alternatively kitchen paper will need to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Kitchen wasteReduce - try to reduce the food that goes to waste - see Love Food Hate Waste.  Look to Reduce the amount of meat you eat by having a meat free day for example. Download Kitche a smart kitchen food waste app for cost-saving & food-waste reduction at home. Leftovers can be eaten the next day or made into a new meal. Use by is the safety date, best before is a quality date - it is safe to eat this food after the best before date just look and smell your food first. Donate to a community fridge scheme. The waste team carry out workshops across the year, for more information visit email if you would like a workshop, demo or talk at your local community group/workplace etc.
Reuse - download Olio a local sharing app where you can pass on items you no longer need to people who live nearby
Recycle - all food including vegetables, fruit, pasta, meat, fish, teabags, eggshells can be placed into your home compost bin where it will be recycled into compost. You can request a fox proof external food waste bin on the related links section below.
LampsSee small electrical items
Large electrical appliancesReduce - repair fridges and freezer before replacing them - use a local recommended tradesperson.
Reuse - there are a variety of organisations who will collect these for reuse including Selkent on 01322 435593 or email, British Heart Foundation on 0844 499 4167 or Emmaus Greenwich on 020 8854 3426 or email (there may be a small charge for collection). Donate to online community groups such as Freegle, Olio or sell via local markets or online.
Recycle - place in the dedicated recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. Bexley council bulky or large item collection Important note - Please ensure that any external waste companies that you use have a 'waste carriers licence' as you are responsible for the disposal of these items. A waste carriers license is a legal requirement for businesses transporting waste as part of their commercial activities. By obtaining a valid license, you can demonstrate that you're committed to disposing of waste safely and legally, and you can avoid the risk of penalties for non-compliance.
LeavesReuse - these can be left to rot down to make leaf mould - place in a plastic bag with holes in it or a contained area. Try to keep it damp.
Recycle - these can be composted in your home compost bin, brown garden waste bin (chargeable service), food waste bin and the garden waste recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at the GetComposting website at the related links section below.
Light bulbsReduce - buy low energy bulbs that last longer. They are more efficient than traditional bulbs so using them will save energy as well as money on your bills. Look out for a collection of energy saving light bulbs at Sainsbury's and Robert Dyas stores. Contact South East London Community (SELCE) for impartial advice services to help people who are struggling with their energy bills, households who want to invest in greening their property, and organisations that are looking to become more sustainable.
Recycle - these can be recycled in the light bulb recycling section at reuse and recycling centres. Retailers selling energy efficient light bulbs should have information on the nearest place to dispose of these or have facilities in the shop to collect them.
LinoDispose - unfortunately, this is currently not recyclable and needs to be placed in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres. Small amounts could go in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
Liquid food and drink cartonsRecycle - these can be recycled in your white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, plastic packaging banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks.
Magazines and comicsReduce - borrow books from the library or friends rather than buying them. Try Bexley's digital library for access to lots of great library services for free 24/7 from the comfort of your own home, eg eBooks, emagazines and audio books with Libby.
Reuse - give to a friend when you have finished reading it or give away via Freegle, Olio or other online portals. Children can reuse these to make collages. Give away via Freegle or Olio.
Recycle - these can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres.
Manure (horse)Recycle - this can be composted in your home compost bin, brown garden waste bin (chargeable service) . Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at the GetComposting website at the related links section below.
Margarine tubsReuse - these can be reused as a lunch box, use as plant pots/seed trays or for art and craft projects. If you have lots you can offer for free via Freegle or Olio.
Recycle - these can be recycled in your white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, plastic packaging banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks.
Material (textiles)See also Clothing and Material
Reuse - try the art of Furoshiki, wrapping presents in material that can be used again. Furoshiki is a traditional Japanese cloth and the method of wrapping. They are an easy, eco-conscious and stylish gift wrapping alternative to paper and sticky tape. The Furoshiki can either be given as part of a present or retained by the giver. You can find videos online on how to do this. Add a small bag of electrical items with your clothes collection if using TRAID. TRAID is a charity that the council is working in partnership with to provide a doorstep textiles collection for those that need.
MattressesReuse - there are a variety of organisations who will collect these for reuse including Selkent on 01322 435593 or email, British Heart Foundation on 0844 499 4167 or Emmaus Greenwich on 020 8854 3426 or email (there may be a small charge for collection). Give away to friends, family or via Freegle or Olio, leave in the reuse area at the reuse and recycling centres. Give away clean mattresses that are suitable for reuse via Freegle, Olio or local advertising.
Recycle - recycle in the mattress area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - arrange for a bulky waste collection through the council.
MDFReuse - MDF could be reused for other building work
Recycle - in the dedicated recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. Add a small bag of electrical items with your clothes collection if using TRAID. TRAID is a charity that the council is working in partnership with to provide a doorstep textiles collection for those that need or want this type of service.
MeatReduce - try to reduce the food that goes to waste - see Love Food Hate Waste.  Look to Reduce the amount of meat you eat by having a meat free day for example. Download Kitche a smart kitchen food waste app for cost-saving & food-waste reduction at home. Leftovers can be eaten the next day or made into a new meal. Use by is the safety date, best before is a quality date - it is safe to eat this food after the best before date just look and smell your food first. Donate to a community fridge scheme. The waste team carry out workshops across the year, for more information visit email if you would like a workshop, demo or talk at your local community group/workplace etc.
Reuse - download Olio a local sharing app where you can pass on items you no longer need to people who live nearby.
Recycle - all food including vegetables, fruit, pasta, meat, fish, teabags, eggshells can be placed into your home compost bin where it will be recycled into compost. You can request a fox proof external food waste bin by visiting the replacement bin/food container link below.
MedicinesRecycle - If you have blister packs these can be recycled through the Wasteless market. They collect many different types of non kerbside materials see link below for more details. They can be found at various collection times see the Bexley Eco Festival website link below for more details.
Dispose - If medicines are flushed down the toilet, traces of them can end up in water courses like rivers or the sea. If medicines are not finished then they must be taken to a pharmacy so that they can be disposed of safely. If the medicine is finished and the packaging is not recyclable then it needs to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres. There are charities such as Inter Care who accept in date medicines which are then used in developing countries.
Metal (sheets/larger objects)Reuse - some metal items can be reused
Recycle - this can be recycled in the metal recycling area at reuse and recycling centres. See aluminium and tin cans for information on how these can be recycled
Metal lidsReuse - use for craft projects.
Recycle - place in your white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, can banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks.
MicrowavesReuse - if working sell via local markets or online or donate to online community groups such as Freegle or Olio. There are a variety of organisations who will collect these for reuse including Selkent on 01322 435593 or email, British Heart Foundation on 0844 499 4167 or Emmaus Greenwich on 020 8854 3426 or email (there may be a small charge for collection). Give away to friends, family or via Freegle or Olio, leave in the reuse area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Recycle - in the small electrical recycling area at reuse and recycling centres.
Milk bottles (plastic)Reduce - try a local milk delivery service where they will collect glass bottles when they deliver your milk.
Recycle - plastic milk bottles can be recycled in your white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, plastic packaging banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks. For cartons/tetrapak containers see Tetrapak.
Dispose - Milk that comes in plastic pouches are unfortunately not recyclable and need to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin. Please try and buy your milk in containers which can currently be recycled.
MirrorsReuse - donate to a charity shop, via Freegle or Olio or other local network or sell via local market place or online.
Dispose - unfortunately, the glass in mirrors cannot be recycled. These need to be placed in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Mobile phonesReuse - when you buy a new mobile phone in a shop, ask how you can reuse or recycle your old one. If your unwanted phone is in good working condition and reasonably up-to-date, online resellers and high street shops such as Cash Converters and CeX buy electrical or electronic items, especially if you have the original box, charger and instructions. Comparison sites like Compare and Recycle can help you find the best company for you. Most charities accept old mobile phones, whether they are working or not. They can raise valuable funds by passing them on to mobile phone recycling companies.
Recycle - broken mobile phones can be placed in the small electrical recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres or at some mini-recycling sites across the Borough.
MonitorsReuse - donate to a charity shop, via Freegle or Olio or other local network or sell via local market place or online.
Recycle - in the dedicated recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. Plasma screens can be put in the small appliance's area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Musical instrumentsReuse - working instruments can be donated to a charity shop or local children's group, via Freegle, Olio or other local network. Sell via local market place or online.
Recycle - broken metal instruments can be recycled in the metal bank at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - other instruments made up of mixed materials have to go in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
NappiesReduce/Reuse - use washable real nappies which are reused rather than thrown away. Bexley work with Real Nappies for London who currently offer residents a £50 voucher to get started using reusable nappies. The aim is to decrease the amount of nappy waste being disposed of in the borough. You can find out more about the voucher scheme, and speak to experts at nappies at events around the borough - see links for details.
Dispose - unfortunately, these can not be recycled and need to be place in your non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
NeedlesDispose - we can arrange a sharps collection from your property in a dedicated box, please contact us to arrange this. Hospitals should be able to collect these for you please make sure you transport them safely in sealed container.
NewspapersReuse - donate via Freegle, Olio. Make into seed pots, put into your home compost bin or line your food caddy with old newspaper.
Recycle - can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres.
Nitrous gas cannisters (Laughing Gas)Reduce - try to avoid buying these and replace balloons with environmentally friendly alternatives such as paper baubles, reusable lanterns etc There are local companies that supply and loan out items.
Dispose - unfortunately, these items are not recyclable. If empty place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or take to the reuse and recycling centres and speak to a member of staff who will make sure that they are disposed of safely.
NutsSee food for more info and inspiration.
Recycle  - these can be composted in your home compost bin, brown garden waste bin (chargeable service) and food waste bin. Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at the GetComposting website at the related links section below.
Office paperReduce - make sure you use both sides of the paper before recycling it, create scrap trays. Send information via electronic data where possible and suitable. Buy recycled paper, this is a sustainable choice and helps to create a circular economy. Spare office paper could be donated to charity. Put up a poster - think before you print near your photocopier.
Recycle - this can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres.
OilSee engine oil and cooking oil.
Organic wasteSee food and garden waste.
Packaging (general)Reduce - package items together where possible. Wrap items in old paper. Use shredded paper to protect items from damage rather than bubble wrap. Use toughed envelopes rather than those with bubble wrap as this is a mixed material and cannot be recycled unless separated (see jiffy bags). Try wrapping presents in materials using the Japanese technique called Furoshiki, the wrapping becomes part of the present!
Reuse - wrap items in old paper, reuse old envelopes/jiffy bags.
Recycle - packaging consisting of one type of material should be placed into the correct household recycling bin or taken to the reuse and recycling centres/local recycling banks Disposal Packaging that is not a recyclable material eg cling film or plastic films should be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Packaging (food related)Reduce - try and buy products with the minimum packaging. Some packaging can make your food last longer, eg cucumbers - so do not remove all packing, try and test it first. Take in your own packaging. Visit a refill shop for store cupboard goods such as nuts, flour, cereals. Buying items in larger sizes, you get more food in a similar amount of packaging. Avoid individually wrapped items, place your unwrapped fruit and vegetables into 'stay fresh longer bags'. These can be reused many times and help to make your food last longer
Recycle - see cardboard, polystyrene and plastic packaging. Visit the Wasteless market at their pop ups to recycle many types of food packaging.
PaintReuse - give away to friends, family or others via Freegle. Olio or other local groups. Contact Community Paint for the nearest donation point, unfortunately there is not one currently in Bexley.
Dispose - unfortunately, these containers cannot be recycled and need to go into the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
PaperReduce - make sure you use both sides of the paper before recycling it, create scrap trays Buy recycled paper, this is a sustainable choice and helps to create a circular economy Spare office paper could be donated to charity.
Recycle - this can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and the reuse and recycling centres.
Paper towelRecycle - small amounts can be put in your home compost bin - shred into small pieces If these are not wet or contaminated they can also be placed in blue lidded bins, blue bins for flats, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres. If they have food/drink on them then they can be recycled in the food recycling boxes.
PastaSee 'Food or Spaghetti' Reduce Use a spaghetti portion tool to help measure out the recommended amount, 100g.
Recycle - compost in your food waste bin - if you need a fox proof bin or a replacement food box please request for a new one
Perfume bottlesSee Pyrex
Reuse - if your item is in good condition offer it to a charity shop or give to others via Freegle or Olio or other local group. Sell your Pyrex via online groups or locally.
Dispose - unfortunately, these are currently not recyclable and need to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
PesticidesSee chemicals.
Pet beddingRecycle - if made of a natural material used by an animal that only eats vegetables this can be composted in your home compost bin. Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins through the Get Composting website link below. Your brown garden waste bin (chargeable service), please wrap it in newspaper or in a paper bag before placing it in your brown bin.
Pet food cans Please rinse these out first - take care to use a long handled brush to avoid cutting yourself.
Recycle - these can be recycled in white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, can banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks.
Pet food pouchesReduce - try to avoid this type of packaging as it cannot be reused or recycled - unless you can return them directly to the supplier
Dispose - unfortunately, these are not recyclable and need to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin
PicturesReuse - donate to a charity shop, friends and family, Freegle, Olio or sell via local online markets/local advertising, Place in the reuse area at the Reuse and recycling centres.
Reduce - pictures can be restored, look in the phone directory or on the internet for picture restorers.
Recycle - wooden frames can be recycled in the wood recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
PillowsReuse - some animal charities may accept these - check first.
Dispose - unfortunately, these are not recyclable and need to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
PipingRecycle - metal piping can go in the metal area at the reuse and recycling centres. Plastic piping can be recycled in the hard plastics recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
PlantsReduce - buy pot plants as gifts rather than cut flowers.
Reuse - do not throw live plants away, try donating them to a doctors surgery or community centre. Give away through Freegle, Olio or other networks or sell locally. Some indoor plants can be replanted in the garden.
Recycle - dead plants can be composted in your home compost bin, brown garden waste bin (chargeable service) and the garden waste recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at the GetComposting website (link on the related section below). 
PlasticSee plastic bags plastic bottles plastic buckets plastic chairs plastic cups plastic cutlery plastic film plastic packaging plastic plant pots plastic pouches plastic toys plastic tubes plastic wrap plastic - hard plastic
Plastic bagsSee carrier bags.
Plastic bottlesReduce/Reuse - buy a refillable bottle - glass, metal and plastic drinking bottles can be refilled and reused Recycle These can be recycled in white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, plastic packaging banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks.
Plastic bucketsRecycle - these can be recycled in the hard plastics recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres
Plastic chairsReuse - if these are in good condition please place in the reuse area at the reuse and recycling centre (please ask a member of staff to direct you to this area). Give away through Freegle, Olio or other networks or sell locally.
Recycle - these can be recycled in the hard plastics recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres
Plastic cupsReduce/Reuse - use glass cups or reusable plastic cups rather than disposable cups Recycle These can be recycled in white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, plastic packaging banks at reuse and recycling centres and  at selected local recycling banks.
Plastic cutleryReduce - use metal cutlery rather than disposable cutlery
Recycle - in white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, plastic packaging banks at reuse and recycling centres and  at selected local recycling banks.
Plastic filmReduce - consider using alternatives to plastic film such as reusable lids, silicon lids, beeswax wraps, plastic pots and lunch boxes. Come along to one of the many upcycling workshops run by the waste team, visit the Bexley Eco Festival website (link below) for details of upcoming events. Visit refill shops for store cupboard items and bathroom items. The Wasteless market provides some products, visit their website for more details.
Recycle - this can be recycled at some supermarkets in their plastic bag recycling banks.
Dispose - unfortunately, plastic packaging cannot be recycled by the council schemes. Please place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
Plastic packagingReduce - try and buy products with the minimum packaging you can. Avoid plastic pouches as these are sold as Reduced plastic options but they cannot be recycled so have to go into your general waste. Some food lasts longer in its packaging such as cucumbers, look out for perforated/specialised packaging. Replace film plastic that cannot be recycled with paper or plastic boxes which can either be reused or recycled
Reuse - try to reuse your packaging if possible or recycle in your white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, plastic packaging banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks. Some non kerbside plastic packaging can be recycled at the Wasteless Market, see their website in the related links section below for further details.
Dispose - unfortunately, plastic film packaging cannot be recycled by the council schemes. Please place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Plastic plant potsReuse - for other plants or for planting seeds in (wash out first). If you have lots offer them to someone else via Freegle, Olio or other local groups/organisations. Some garden centres now have an area where these can be deposited for others to use.
Recycle - these can be recycled in the hard plastics recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Plastic pouchesReduce - avoid buying these - they are sold as a better, least plastic option, but they cannot be reused or recycled. It is better to buy the item in a bottle or container that can be recycled
Recycle - some non kerbside plastic packaging can be recycled at the Wasteless Market, see their website at the bottom of the page for further details.
Dispose - unfortunately, these can not currently be recycled and need to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
Plastic toysReduce - consider buy and alternative toy or one made of wood/cardboard instead if possible.
Reuse - if in good condition some plastic toys could be sold via local market places or you can donate to a charity shop or friend/family member or via Freegle/Olio. If in good condition please place it in the reuse area at the reuse and recycling centres (please ask a member of staff to direct you to this area).
Recycle - if the toys are damaged or not working please place non electrical toys in the hard plastics recycling container and electrical items in the small electrical recycling appliances area at the reuse and recycling centres
Plastic traysReuse - use these for other purposes such as plant trays. If in good condition they could be sold as second items or donate them to a charity shop, friends and family, Freegle or Olio.
Recycle - these can be recycled in the hard plastics recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Plastic tubesRecycle - Please place in the hard plastics recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Plastic wrapSee Plastic Film
Dispose - unfortunately, these cannot currently be recycled and need to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
Plates and cupsReuse - donate to a charity shop or give to others via Freegle or Olio. Use broken pieces of plates and cups at the bottom of plant pots for drainage
Recycle - if made of ceramic please place in the construction waste recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres If made of paper then they can be recycled in the brown food waste recycling box.
Dispose - plastic plates are currently not recyclable, please put into your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the household waste area at the reuse and recycling centres. If you cannot get to the reuse and recycling centre then small amounts of ceramic items can be put into your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin (please make sure they are well wrapped).
PolystyreneReduce - use a recyclable material such as paper/cardboard instead where possible.
Reuse - this can be reused when sending parcels or for craft activities.
Dispose - unfortunately, this is currently not recyclable, please place in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres. Small amounts can be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
Postage stampsReuse - look out for local groups collecting these for recycling e.g. RNIB, RSPB, The Leprosy Mission. The Wasteless market collect stamps, a donation to charities is made for every kg collected. For information on their next pop-up event visit the Wasteless Market or Bexley Eco Festival links at the bottom of the page.
Recycle - stamps attached to envelopes can be recycled with the rest of your paper in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres.
PostcardsReuse - donate to a local school or community group for craft activities or via Freegle, Olio or other local platforms for others to use. Old postcards may be collectors items.
Recycle - these can be recycled in your blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and reuse and recycling centres.
Pot and pansReuse - donate to a charity shop or give to others via Freegle or Olio. If in good condition they can be sold via local markets or online groups.
Recycle - Can be recycled at the metal bank at the reuse and recycling centres
PotteryReuse - donate to a charity shop or give to others via Freegle or Olio or sell your pottery. Use broken pieces of pottery when planting pots.
Recycle - please place in the construction waste recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - small amounts can be put into your your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin (please make sure they are well wrapped).
Prams and pushchairsReuse - if in good condition these could be sold. Donate to a charity shop or friend/family member. Look out for local charities who are collecting these for reuse. Place in the reuse area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Recycle - broken prams and pushchairs can be put in the metal recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Pringles tubesRecycle - the Wasteless market collect many non kerbside recyclable items including Pringle tubes. These are sent to TerraCycle to be recycled. A donation to charities is made for every kg collected. For more information and to find out where they have stalls visit the Wasteless Market website on the related links section below.
Dispose - place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
PyrexReuse - if your item is in good condition offer it to a charity shop or give to others via Freegle or Olio or other local group. Sell your Pyrex via online groups or locally.
Dispose - unfortunately, these are currently not recyclable and need to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
QuiltsSee bedding and bed linen.
RadiatorsRecycle - these can be recycled in the metal bank at the reuse and recycling centres. Arrange for a bulky waste collection through the council. Important note - please ensure that any external waste companies that you use have a 'waste carriers licence' as you are responsible for the disposal of these items. A waste carriers license is a legal requirement for businesses transporting waste as part of their commercial activities. By obtaining a valid license, you can demonstrate that you're committed to disposing of waste safely and legally, and you can avoid the risk of penalties for non-compliance.
RadiosReuse - donate to a charity shop, give away to friends, family or others via Freegle, Olio or online communities. Sell locally via online market places or boot sale
Recycle - selective local recycling banks have banks for small electrical items. Recycle in the small electrical appliances recycling section at the reuse and recycling centres.
RecordsSee CDs, DVDs, cassettes and records.
RiceReduce - try to reduce the food that goes to waste - see Love Food Hate Waste. Use an unwanted small cup/tub to measure out 75g (recommended amount of rice for one adult) - use this as a portion scoop for future. Download Kitche a smart kitchen food waste app for cost-saving & food-waste reduction at home. Leftovers can be eaten the next day or made into a new meal. Use by is the safety date, best before is a quality date - it is safe to eat this food after the best before date just look and smell your food first. Donate to a community fridge scheme. The waste team carry out workshops across the year, for more information visit email if you would like a workshop, demo or talk at your local community group/workplace etc. Place your unwrapped fruit and vegetables into 'stay fresh longer bags'. These can be reused many times and help to make your food last longer.
Reuse - download Olio a local sharing app where you can pass on items you no longer need to people who live nearby.
Recycle - all food including vegetables, fruit, pasta, meat, fish, teabags, eggshells can be placed into your home compost bin where it will be recycled into compost. You can request a fox proof external food waste bin on the related links section below.
Rope and stringReuse - donate to a local group for craft activities or via Freegle or Olio.
Dispose - unfortunately, this is not recyclable and needs to be put in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Sanitary productsReuse - there are some eco-options available now that can be washed and used again.
Dispose - unfortunately, these are not recyclable and need to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin
SawReuse - offer to community groups via networks such a Freegle and Olio.
Recycle - in the metal area at the reuse and recycling centres.
SawdustReuse - use for animal bedding Recycle Compost in your home compost bin - in moderation. Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at at the GetComposting website on the related links section below. Your brown garden waste bin (chargeable service). The garden waste area at the reuse and recycling centres, if it is not contaminated.
Scrap metalRecycle - in the metal area at the reuse and recycling centres. Arrange for a bulky waste collection through the council.
Important note - please ensure that any external waste companies that you use have a 'waste carriers licence' as you are responsible for the disposal of these items. A waste carriers license is a legal requirement for businesses transporting waste as part of their commercial activities. By obtaining a valid license, you can demonstrate that you're committed to disposing of waste safely and legally, and you can avoid the risk of penalties for non-compliance.
Sewing machinesReuse - working machines can be donated to a charity shop, friends, community groups, or others via networks such as Freegle or Olio.
Recycle - electrical sewing machines can be recycled in the small electrical appliances area at the reuse and recycling centres. Non electrical sewing machines can be recycled in the metal bank at the reuse and recycling centres
ShoesReuse - when donating ensure that shoes are tied together via the laces or an elastic band to prevent them from being separated. Donate to a charity shop if in good condition. Some local shops collect shoes for charity reuse. Selective local recycling banks have shoe banks.
Recycle - in the shoe bank at the reuse and recycling centres
Shopping trolleysReuse - return to the supermarket or download the TrolleyWise APP which gives the user the ability to report abandoned trolleys in their local community.
Shredded paperOnly shred paper if needed as it is of lower quality than paper in sheets, please place shredded paper in a cereal box or paper bag.
Reuse - use as part of pet bedding.
Recycle - this can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at reuse and recycling centres.
Sinks and bathsSee bathroom fittings and furniture.
Small electrical appliancesReduce - consider if you really need the item you are buying - short lived gadgets use up valuable resources and are often thrown away after very little use.
Reuse - try to fix these before replacing them - for professional help visit The Restart Project for a link for London Businesses.
Recycle - this can be recycled in the small electrical area at the reuse and recycling centres. Recycle at selected local recycling banks. Add a small bag of electrical items with your clothes collection if using TRAID. TRAID is a charity that the council is working in partnership with to provide a doorstep textiles collection for those that need or want this type of service.
Smoke alarmsRecycle - these can be recycled in the small electrical area at the reuse and recycling centres. Recycle at selected local recycling banks. Add a small bag of electrical items with your clothes collection if using TRAID. TRAID is a charity that the council is working in partnership with to provide a doorstep textiles collection for those that need or want this type of service.
SoapReuse - use up all small pieces of soap you have. You could get a soap press to make new soap out of your leftover soap. Add water to liquid soap to use what is left in the bottom. Make sure you recycle the plastic bottle when the soap is finished.
Dispose - this material cannot be recycled and must be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
SofaIf you are buying new sofa ensure you keep all the fire labels intact. Charities cannot accept any soft furnished items of furniture without these.
Reuse - if in good condition these could be sold via local market places. Sofas can be repaired or reupholstered rather than replaced. Some charity shops will accept furniture - with fire safety label. There are a variety of organisations who will collect these for reuse including Selkent on 01322 435593 or email, British Heart Foundation on 0844 499 4167 or Emmaus Greenwich on 020 8854 3426 or email (there may be a small charge for collection). Give away to friends, family or via Freegle or Olio, leave in the reuse area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - please place in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
SoffitsRecycle - these can be recycled in the hard plastics area at the reuse and recycling centres
SoilReuse - in your own garden, place old soil or soil from bags as mulch around plants or under hedges and trees. See the Royal Horticultural Society website link below for ideas and advice.
Recycle - put in the rubble and hardcore recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. Add small amounts of soil as a primer to your home compost bin. Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at the GetComposting website on the related links section below.
SpaghettiReduce - try to Reduce the food that goes to waste - see Love Food Hate Waste. Use a spaghetti portion tool to help measure out the recommended amount of 100g. Download Kitche a smart kitchen food waste app for cost-saving & food-waste reduction at home. Leftovers can be eaten the next day or made into a new meal. Use by is the safety date, best before is a quality date - it is safe to eat this food after the best before date just look and smell your food first.
Donate to a community fridge scheme. The waste team carry out workshops across the year - for more information email if you would like a workshop, demo or talk at your local community group/workplace etc. Place your unwrapped fruit and vegetables into 'stay fresh longer bags'. These can be reused many times and help to make your food last longer.
Reuse - download Olio a local sharing app where you can pass on items you no longer need to people who live nearby.
Recycle - all food including vegetables, fruit, pasta, meat, fish, teabags, eggshells can be placed into your home compost bin where it will be recycled into compost. You can request a fox proof external food waste bin by visiting the online portal
SpectaclesReuse - some charities will collect these such as Specsavers (not all stores offer this options so please check before travelling). Donate to Peep who carry out upcycling, restoring and reselling them, benefiting our charity partners Lions Club along with planting trees with Trees for Cities.
Recycle - visit the Spectacle Recycling website on the related section below to find local stores that take old glasses.
StampsSee postage stamps.
Steel cansRecycle - must be empty and placed in your white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, can banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks.
Storage boxesReuse - if they are still in good condition donate to a charity shop or friend/family member.
Recycle - cardboard boxes can be placed in the paper recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. Small amounts of cardboard can be placed in your blue lidded recycling bin.
StrawSee hay and straw.
Tea bagsMost tea bags are made of a very fine plastic mesh and so do not compost fully. Look out for fully biodegradable tea bags.
Reduce - use loose leaf tea.
Recycle - can be composted in your home compost bin and food waste bin. Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at GetComposting website (link on the related section below). You can request a fox proof external food waste bin by visiting the online portal. Compost in a wormery, try Wiggly wigglers or other online stores.
Telephone directoriesSee directories or magazines.
Reuse - maybe useful for art projects.
Recycle - these can be recycled in blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres.
Televisions/monitorsReuse - donate to a charity shop, give away to friends, family or others via Freegle or Olio. Sell locally via online market places or boot sale.
Recycle - in the TV area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Tetra paksSee cartons
TextilesReuse - clothes in good condition can be donated to a charity shop or a friend/family. Try the art of Furoshiki, wrapping presents in material that can be used again. Furoshiki is a traditional Japanese cloth and the method of wrapping. They are an easy, eco-conscious and stylish gift wrapping alternative to paper and sticky tape. The furoshiki can either be given as part of a present or retained by the giver. You can find videos online on how to do this.
Give clothes you no longer need or want to TRAID textile charity by booking a kerbside residential collection. Sell your clothes either locally or there are lots of online shops now such as Vinted where you can buy and sell second hand clothing. If your clothes are not in a good enough condition to be reused you could make them into dusters/rags to be used at home. Some charity shops will also accept these.
Old pieces of fabric can be good as craft material. The waste team carry out workshops across the year - for more information email if you would like a workshop, demo or talk at your local community group/workplace etc.
Recycle - selective local recycling banks and the reuse and recycling centres have textile banks for clothes suitable or reuse or recycling.
TilesReuse - use old broken pieces of tiles to make a mosaic.
Recycle - tiles can be recycled in the construction waste recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Timber and woodReuse - use for other house/gardening projects. Donate to local community or local school projects, Freegle or Olio Recycle. Wood area at reuse and recycling centres.
Tin cansRecycle - these can be recycled in white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, can banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks.
Toiletries bottlesRecycle - these can be recycled in white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, plastic packaging banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks.
Toner and printer cartridgesReduce - buy refillable toners and printer cartridges.
Recycle - selected high street electrical retailers collect these for recycling. Major manufacturers provide take back schemes including HP and Canon Some charities and community groups also collect them to recycle to raise funds - check locally. Alternatively, you can send your cartridges freepost to organisations such as The Recycling Factory or Recycle4Charity who will then make a donation to the charity of your choice.
ToolsReuse - if not longer needed donate to charities, schools, friends and family or via Freegle or Olio or other online communities.
Recycle - metal tools need to be recycled in the metal area at the reuse and recycling centres. Wooden tools need to be recycled in the wood area at the reuse and recycling centres. Electrical tools need to be recycled in the small electrical appliances area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - tools which do not fit into any of these categories need to be placed in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
TowelsReuse - in the garden to protect plants from the frost - remove once frost has passed. Give away to others, via Freegle, Olio or other community groups/friends or family. Old towels can be used for rags. Give clothes you no longer need or want to TRAID textile charity by booking a kerbside residential collection.
Recycle - in the textile banks at some mini-recycling sites and both of the reuse and recycling centres.
ToysReuse - donate to a charity shop, friends and family or local community centre or school or via online community groups such as Freegle or Olio. If in good condition sell them. Try to keep the box that it comes in if possible.
Recycle - see plastic toys and wooden toys. Electrical toys need to be recycled in the small electrical appliances area at the reuse and recycling centres.
TreesReduce - do you need to cut down a tree? Maybe cutting some branches would create a desired effect. For large trees use an arboriculturist and ensure they have a waste carriers licence to dispose of the cuttings. Use medium sized branches to line paths or borders. Always choose the right tree for your sized garden. Many trees can be bought on dwarf root stock so they do not get too big.
Recycle - please cut down into small pieces and place in garden waste recycling area at reuse and recycling centres. Larger pieces of wood can be recycled in the wood area at the reuse and recycling centres.
TurfReuse - reuse in your own garden or give to friends and family; Freegle or Olio. Turn your turf into bench - visit the Royal Horticultural website for more information.
Recycle - pile turf upside down so that grass sides meet to create great compost for your garden. Recycle in the garden waste area at the reuse and recycling centres.
TurpentineDispose - needs to be collected by the Hazardous Waste Collection Service. Please contact the Corporation of London on 020 7332 3433.
Twig and hedge clippingsRecycle - these can be composted in your home compost bin if shredded and only in moderation, your brown garden waste bin (chargeable service) and the garden waste recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres. Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at the GetComposting website (link available on the related links section below). Create a small pile in your garden, to create a perfect habitat to encourage wildlife.
TypewritersReuse - working typewriter can be taken to a charity shop. Donate to others via Freegle, Olio or other group.
Recycle - broken electrical typewriters need to be placed in the small electrical recycling area at reuse and recycling centres. Broken non-electrical typewriters need to be placed in the metal recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
TyresReuse - old tyres can be used as planters in the garden. If using to grow edible plants its best to line the tyres first.
Recycle - if possible, please take these to local garages. Tyres can often be disposed of with the company that supplies your new tyres. Take to reuse and recycling centre (up to 5 tyres accepted per year)
UnderlaySee Carpet.
Reuse - good condition underlay can be donated to a charity shop, friends and family, Freegle or Olio. Reuse in your house or garden.
Recycle - please place in the carpet recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - arrange for a bulky waste collection through the council or a private waste operator.
Important note: Please ensure that any external waste companies that you use have a 'waste carriers licence' as you are responsible for the disposal of these items. A waste carriers license is a legal requirement for businesses transporting waste as part of their commercial activities. By obtaining a valid license, you can demonstrate that you're committed to disposing of waste safely and legally, and you can avoid the risk of penalties for non-compliance.
Vacuum cleanersReduce - repair vacuum cleaners before recycling them - see restart project for more information.
Reuse - if it is still working donate to a charity shop, friends and family, Freegle or Olio. If working sell to others locally or via online market places.  
Recycle - this can be recycled in the small electrical recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Vacuum dustRecycle - this can be composted in your home compost bin. Bexley residents get a Reduced rate when buying bins at the GetComposting website (link available on the related section below). Your brown garden waste bin (chargeable service). The garden waste recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres
VapesDisposable vapes are damaging to the environment using up valuable resources. The battery in a disposable vape usually lasts around a day & disposable vapes used within the UK annually account for 10 tonnes of lithium.
Reduce - buy a refillable vape, consider other ways to stop smoking such as patches, gum, mouth spray.
Recycle - these items must be recycled in the small electrical recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
VegetablesReduce - try to reduce the food that goes to waste. Download Kitche a smart kitchen food waste app for cost-saving & food-waste reduction at home. Leftovers can be eaten the next day or made into a new meal. Most food can be frozen. Use-by is the safety date, and best before is a quality date. You should follow any use by date. It is safe to eat food after the best before date just look and smell your food first. Donate to a community fridge scheme. The waste team carry out workshops across the year - for more information email if you would like a workshop, demo or talk at your local community group/workplace etc. Place your unwrapped fruit and vegetables into 'stay fresh longer bags'. These can be reused many times and help to make your food last longer.
Reuse - download Olio a local sharing app where you can pass on items you no longer need to people who live nearby.
Recycle - all food including vegetables, fruit, pasta, meat, fish, teabags, eggshells can be placed into your home compost bin where it will be recycled into compost. You can request a fox proof external food waste bin by visiting the online portal
Vending cupsSee plastic cups.
Video playerReuse - donate to a charity shop, give away to friends, family or others via Freegle, Olio or other local selling sites. Sell locally via online market places or a boot sale.
Recycle -  selective local recycling banks have banks for small electrical items. Recycle in the small electrical appliances section at the reuse and recycling centres. Add a small bag of electrical items with your clothes collection if using TRAID. TRAID is a charity that the council is working in partnership with to provide a doorstep textiles collection for those that need or want this type of service.
VideotapesReuse - donate to a charity shop, give away to friends, family or others via Freegle, Olio or local selling sites.
Dispose - place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or take to the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Vitamin tubs/tubesRecycle - these can be recycled in white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, plastic packaging banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks.
Reuse - buy a refillable bottle - glass, metal and plastic drinking bottles can be refilled and reused. 
Walking sticksRecycle - wooden walking sticks can be recycled in the wood area at the reuse and recycling centres as long as there is not to much metal on them. Donate to a charity shop, give away to friends, family or others via Freegle, Olio or local selling sites.
Reuse - crutches and zimmer frames should be returned to your local health authority.
Washing machinesReduce - repair washing machines before replacing them.
Reuse - there are a variety of organisations who will collect these for reuse including Selkent on 01322 435593 or email, British Heart Foundation on 0844 499 4167 or Emmaus Greenwich on 020 8854 3426 or email (there may be a small charge for collection).
Recycle - in the large electrical items area at the reuse and recycling centres. Arrange for a bulky waste collection through the council or local waste operator.
Important note - please ensure that any external waste companies that you use have a 'waste carriers licence' as you are responsible for the disposal of these items. A waste carriers license is a legal requirement for businesses transporting waste as part of their commercial activities. By obtaining a valid license, you can demonstrate that you're committed to disposing of waste safely and legally, and you can avoid the risk of penalties for non-compliance.
WatchesSee clocks
Water buttsReuse - donate to friends and family; Freegle or Olio or local selling sites. Replace old pieces with new adaptors and tap. Cut up and use as planters.
Recycle - in the hard plastics area at the reuse and recycling centres
WeedsReuse - these can be left to rot down or placed in a bucket of water to rot, then used around the garden.
Recycle - these can be composted in your home compost bin. Avoid home composting tap root/pernicious weeds as these may not rot down fully. Bexley residents can get a discounted rate for home compost bins at the GetComposting website (link on the related section below). Your brown garden waste bin (chargeable service). The garden waste area at the reuse and recycling centres.taps
Wellington bootsReduce - ask around for any hand me downs.
Reuse - good condition toys can be donated to a charity shop, friends and family; Freegle or Olio. Reuse them as plant pots.
Recycle - these can be recycled in the clothes/shoe banks at selective local recycling banks - try to tie together with an elastic band. Recycle in the clothes/shoe banks at the reuse and recycling centres.
Wheelie binsReuse a non-council bin as a water butt or large planter. If you have an additional brown or green bin please contact us and we will collect it to be cleaned and reused.
Recycle - if you do not have a council wheeled bin then it can be recycled in the hard plastic area at the reuse and recycling centre. If you have a council owned wheelie bin and it is broken please contact us, and we can arrange for your old wheelie bin to be removed when we deliver the new one. If you live in a block of flats your management company will be responsible for any non-recyclable rubbish bin repairs and replacements
WindowsReuse - some wooden framed windows can be fixed.
Recycle - metal frames can be recycled in the metal area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispose - plastic frames are unfortunately not recyclable and need to be placed in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres. Glass in windows is unfortunately not recyclable and needs to be placed in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
WindscreensDispose - unfortunately, windscreens are currently not recyclable. Usually,council-owned garages will provide a disposal service or if not they can be placed in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Wine corksReuse - donate to a school or community group for reuse in craft activities. Give to a friend/family member or via Freegle, Olio or local market places.
Dispose - unfortunately, these are currently not recyclable and need to be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin or in the non-recyclable rubbish area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Wine bottlesSee Glass bottles.
Wood and timberReuse - use for other house/gardening projects. Donate to local community or local school projects, or via Freegle or Olio.
Recycle - wood recycling area at reuse and recycling centres.
Wooden toysReuse - good condition toys can be donated to a charity shop, friends and family, Freegle or Olio. If in good condition place in the reuse area at the reuse and recycling centres (please ask a member of staff to direct you to this area). Donate to a local Bexley toy swap event or sell your toys locally, online or in other market places.
Recycle - wood recycling area at the reuse and recycling centres.
Wool and cottonReuse - donate to a local school or community group for craft activities. Donate to a charity shop, friends and family, Freegle or Olio.
Dispose - unfortunately, this item cannot be recycled. Please place in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin
Wrapping paperReduce - use Furoshiki Japanese fabric wrapping technique to wrap presents instead of using paper. Avoid using shiny paper or with glitter as it cannot be recycled.
Reuse - keep your paper and reuse it for another present or an art project.
Recycle - check it does not have foil or plastic in it by tearing. If it tears easily then it can be recycled in the blue lidded recycling bins, blue bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, paper bank at selected local recycling banks and at the reuse and recycling centres.
Dispos - plastic based wrapping paper should be placed in your household non-recyclable black sack or green lidded wheeled bin.
Yoghurt potsReuse - for junk modelling, painting, crafting or garden craft ideas e.g bird feeders/insect houses.
Recycle - these can be recycled in the white lidded recycling bin, white recycling box, green and silver recycling bins for flats, clear recycling bags for flats above shops, plastic packaging banks at reuse and recycling centres and at selected local recycling banks.