Make an in-year primary school application

Use this service to:

Apply for your child to attend a primary school in Bexley, after the normal point of entry to Reception or Year 3.

What do I need to provide?

If you are making this application and you do not have parental responsibility for the child, you'll need to upload evidence that you are the child's legal guardian.

You'll also need to ensure you have a scanned copy or a clear photo of:

  • the child's birth certificate or passport
  • applicant’s latest Council Tax bill or tenancy agreement
  • applicant’s opening utility bill (if you have moved to Bexley) OR current utility bill (if you have not moved)
  • applicant’s closing utility bill (if you have moved to Bexley) OR child’s flight boarding card (only applicable if you have moved to Bexley from overseas

We cannot accept applications for places at a private or independent school.

Do not make more than one application for the same child. This will delay the application process.

 Completion takes around 20 minutes.

Before you start

Do not make an in-year application if you are looking to submit a late reception or nursery application. Find out how to request a late reception or nursery application.

Made a mistake on an application you already submitted?

Contact the Schools Admission Team quoting your reference number: