Attend a Council meeting
Most of the Council’s meetings are held in public; anyone can attend to hear what is being discussed. Some meetings allow members of the public to speak on an item that is listed on the agenda and some meetings can be watched via webcast.
Where it is not possible for the public to attend a particular meeting, it will be made clear on the agenda.
Find out when a Committee is meeting via the calendar of meetings or the list of Council Committees.
Can I take part in a meeting?
Some meetings allow public participation, such as speaking on or asking a question about an item on the agenda.
Arrangements for speaking at a meeting will be included in the agenda pack. If there are no details provided, please seek advice from the Council officer whose name appears on the first page of the agenda.
Speaking at Planning Committee
Members of the public may speak on planning applications at Planning Committee. Further information about speaking at Planning Committee is available in the Council’s Planning Committee Procedure Rules (PDF).
How to register
Any member of the public wanting to speak on an application must register between the publication of the agenda and 5pm on the day before the meeting:
- telephone 020 8303 7777 and ask for Committee Services
- email
- write to Committee Services and Scrutiny Team, Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, Kent DA6 7AT
Speaking arrangements
A maximum of two people may register to speak against a particular application and up to two people may speak in favour, but only if someone has registered to speak against the application. Registrations will be dealt with in the order in which they are received.
Each speaker is allowed three minutes for minor applications and five minutes for major applications.
However, where two people have registered to speak on one side of the argument, the time for each speaker is reduced to two minutes for minor applications and three minutes for major applications.