Work experience code of conduct

Any young person undertaking a work-based learning programme with the London Borough of Bexley is a non-employed learner.  All such learners must adhere to the following Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may result in termination of your placement.

Please read through our code of conduct below and ensure you're familiar with all the points. If you are unsure about anything, please make sure you ask for clarification.

1. General principles

Your role as a work-based learner is to:

  • demonstrate a mature attitude to your learning; listen, respect and respond to advice and guidance and seek supervision on areas of uncertainty
  • attend college and training sessions as required; meet deadlines and complete any necessary paperwork as requested
  • demonstrate a high standard of conduct and behaviour, and to show respect to staff, contractors and service users
  • be aware of Health & Safety procedures, personal safety and safety of colleagues

Your work within the organisation will be to deliver services to the local community. In performing your duties you must act with integrity, honesty, impartiality and objectivity.Your role as a work-based learner is to:

  • demonstrate a mature attitude to your learning; listen, respect and respond to advice and guidance and seek supervision on areas of uncertainty
  • attend college and training sessions as required; meet deadlines and complete any necessary paperwork as requested
  • demonstrate a high standard of conduct and behaviour, and to show respect to staff, contractors and service users
  • be aware of Health & Safety procedures, personal safety and safety of colleagues

Your work within the organisation will be to deliver services to the local community. In performing your duties you must act with integrity, honesty, impartiality and objectivity.

2. Working hours

All work-based learners will be expected to work between 4 to 7 hours per day (Monday to Friday). The exact hours will be agreed upon locally. 

Learners will have a one-hour lunch break. Learners will not be allowed to leave their placement during hours of duty without permission.

3. Disclosure of official information (confidentiality)

Anything you hear or have exposure to whilst in the workplace must not be shared with anyone other than your supervisor.

4. Security of information

Information is one of the London Borough of Bexley’s most important assets; learners can help to ensure that our information is properly protected by adopting the following:

  • Integrity: Ensuring information is complete and accurate
  • Availability: Ensuring information is available to those who need it when they need it
  • Confidentiality: Ensuring information is secure from unauthorised access or disclosure

You must never access information unless you need it to carry out duties that you have been assigned.

5. Alcohol and drugs

The Organisation expects all its staff to present the best possible image to its residents.

Learners must not report to their placements whilst under the influence of Alcohol or Drugs, or smelling of drink. 

Learners are not permitted whilst working with the Council to visit Public Houses or other establishments selling alcohol during their working day (this includes lunch breaks).

It is permitted to accompany the team with which you work to celebrations or team events in restaurants (including those in pubs) but no alcohol should be consumed.

6. Use of telephones

Mobile phones must be switched off during working hours. Texting, receiving and making calls is not allowed during working hours. 

In the event of an emergency you should seek permission from your supervisor to use your mobile phone.

Internal telephones should not be used to receive or make personal telephone calls, except in emergencies and with the permission of your manager.

7. iPods, personally owned laptops, CDs, DVDs, memory sticks, etc

Items of electrical equipment should be safely stored away from Council equipment and used only in your own time outside the organisation’s premises.

8. Dress code and language

Learners must report to work wearing suitable items of clothing. You will be encouraged to use clear and friendly language to customers and staff alike (swearing, threatening or abusive language will not be tolerated).

9. Smoking

The organisation operates a no-smoking policy in all of its premises.

Smoking breaks have been banned from 1 July 2007.

10. Internet and email

Personal use of email is not permitted. Learners will be allowed 15 minutes private use of the internet in accordance with the organisation’s policies and procedures. This must be outside normal working hours.

At all other times your use of the internet must be for work purposes only.

11. Sickness reporting procedures

Any learner unfit for work should notify their placement supervisor no later than 9am on the first morning of absence. They should also notify their school/education establishment of the absence.