Premises licence review

There may be occasions when concerns exist over the operation of a licensed premises which cannot be resolved either through mediation or enforcement action. In those situations, a Responsible Authority or an Other Person may make an application that the premises licence is reviewed.

An application for the review of a premises licence must be given in writing, and the grounds upon which a review is requested must relate to one or more of the licensing objectives which are:

  • preventing crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • preventing a public nuisance
  • protecting children from harm

Anybody making a review application must be able to demonstrate the extent of the problem that forms the grounds for review.

The review process is intended to be used as a last resort and attempts to resolve the problem should have been made through other avenues (e.g. informal approaches and intervention by other Council Services such as the Environmental Protection team) before an application for a review is submitted.

The licensing authority may reject an application for a review if it considers to be frivolous, vexatious or repetitious, or if the grounds cannot be attributed to the operation of the premises concerned. Additionally, an application may not be made anonymously, as we must be able to verify that the applicant is legally entitled to make such a review application.

To obtain an application form and guidance notes please contact

As part of the review application process you will be required to send a copy of your application form and supporting evidence to:

  • the holder of the premises licence you are requesting a review of
  • each of the responsible authorities, which can be found at the back of the Council’s Licensing Policy.

Once a valid application has been received, representations may be made in the next 28 days by the responsible authorities and other local residents, businesses and bodies in respect of the licensed premises in question. The licensing authority will advertise the application at the Council Offices (and on the Council’s website) and also by a poster at or near the premises.

After this period has finished the application will be put before the Licensing sub-committee at a public meeting for determination. The person who made the initial review application and the licence-holder will be expected to attend the meeting in person and any other persons or bodies who has made representation will also be invited to the meeting to put their case forward.

The sub-committee will make a decision based on the evidence that they have heard and contained in the report that has been put before them. They can leave the licence as it is, reduce the times/activities, impose conditions, remove the designated premises supervisor or even suspend or revoke it.