Current issue

The latest issue of the Council's quarterly Bexley Magazine was published on 18 November 2024 and is being delivered across the borough.
In this issue you will find information on:
- a round up of recent news
- winter advice – where to go for local support and tips on how to stay well
- reasons to enrol at the Learning and Enterprise College Bexley
- information on how you can have your say in the borough’s future using our new ‘Ask Bexley’ platform
This edition also includes our Christmas fostering campaign, festive recycling tips, bank holiday waste and recycling dates and much more.
Copies of the Magazine are delivered to every home and business in the borough. It is also available in Council libraries.
If you have not received a copy by Friday 29 November, please email
Your views matter
Please let us know what you think of the Magazine by completing the online Bexley Magazine readers' survey.