Smoking related Illness and Death
The most recent data from 2020 shows that Bexley sits above the London average of 1,152 people per 100,000 being admitted to hospital for smoking attributable conditions with Bexley’s figure of 1,267 people per 100,000 nevertheless below the England rate of 1,398 people per 100,000.
Lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) statistics can be used as proxy measures of smoking related harm within a population. Indeed, nationally in 2019/20, 77% of hospital admissions for trachea, lung, and bronchus cancers were attributable to smoking, as were 84% of admissions for chronic obstructive lung disease. In Bexley, 504 people were living with and beyond lung cancer between 2017-2019, a higher incidence than both London and England, possibly indicating a higher burden of smoking related harm. Moreover, the rate of hospital admissions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Bexley began increasing in 2014/15, overtaking the London average and maintaining this position up until the most recent data point in 2019/20.
Figure 4 – Number of emergency hospital admissions for COPD per 100,000 people aged over 35 in Bexley.
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