Commissioning intentions and contract opportunities
Every year, there will be opportunities for new and existing providers to work with health and social care commissioners by joining formally advertised procurement (tender) opportunities.
We will advertise development opportunities and inform the market when contracts are about to expire.
All our tenders are advertised on London Tenders Portal. You will need to be registered as a user before you can see these. Once registered, you can set up email alerts so you know about the opportunities that are right for you and the deadlines you must work to in submitting your tender response.
Our regular forums will be used to give you updates on how the preparation for different tenders are progressing, and as we draw closer to the time, we will do our best to keep you aware of likely publication and submission dates.
In line with above Vision and principles, our broad commissioning requirements, and links to demographic data, for each client group are:
Quality Services for People with Learning Disabilities and Autism
- personalised solutions designed with people with lived experience and their carers
- innovative local solutions for people with more moderate needs
- meaningful day activities and employment opportunities in our local community
- a range of different options to suit different interests – where appropriate linked to education and training
- alternative options for residential respite including for people whose behaviours may challenge
- accommodation for young people in transition such as flats/bedsits with floating support. This type of model would be ideal for those young people who are not appropriate for 24 hour supported living, and require time to develop their independent living skills
- accommodation suitable to support young people with a combination of autism and/or ADHD and mental health conditions who need ensuite facilities to meet their specific needs
- services which adapt as lifelong needs change
- services which use technology-enabled and digital solutions particularly tailored to the interests of younger people and those in transition
- providers interested in offering accommodation options for people who choose their own care provider through an ISF
- provider collaboratives through ISF management, to provide the widest range of choice for a person
- providers interested in providing property management services for our forthcoming capital developments
- services which support the physical and mental health needs of people with learning disabilities and autism, working to prevent poor health and intervening early to avoid escalation
- solutions which support mainstream and universal services to gain the communication skills and materials to support people with learning disabilities and autism
- providers to work with us to support people with moderate needs (not higher intensity complex care)
Quality Services for People with Mental Health Needs
- personalised solutions designed with people with lived experience and their carers
- local (in-borough) housing options with light support for people stepping down from residential rehabilitation
- local (in-borough) housing with support options for people discharged from hospital
- providers to work in partnership with our local community mental health services
- services which support physical as well as mental health and recognise the interconnectivity between the two
- services which address health inequalities in access to mental health services in the borough
- services which work to prevent mental ill health and intervene early to avoid escalation
Quality Services for Older People
- personalised solutions designed with people with lived experience and their carers
- integrated solutions which enable independence and support to stay at home for as long as possible
- strength based solutions which draw on community assets and resources
- innovative responses to the rising need for dementia care, which put the person at the centre of the provision
- technology-enabled solutions which are tailored to the needs of older people including those who may not be digitally enabled
- services which prevent escalation to long term care including respite and day opportunities
- a partnership approach at locality level with providers working alongside adult social care and health partners to support people to remain at home, avoiding admission to hospital and enabling people who choose to end their lives in their place of choice
- affordable Extra Care Housing provision is a gap in Bexley and it is a priority to develop Extra Care Housing in the heart of local communities with access to neighbourhood amenities
Quality Services for Working Age Adults with Physical Disabilities and Long-Term Conditions
- personalised solutions designed with people with lived experience and their carers
- local (in-borough) disability-friendly housing options for people stepping down from in-patient rehabilitation
- local (in-borough) disability-friendly housing with support options for people discharged from hospital
- innovative technology-enabled solutions which are individually tailored to the specific needs of people who have lifelong disability and/or life-changing event
- solutions which adapt as needs change
For details of all Bexley Contracts including values and contract end dates, visit the Bexley Contract Register.
For data, information and insight about Adult Social Care and London Borough of Bexley, visit the Bexley Data Hub.