Housing is one of the important factors in maintaining stability, not just for yourself but for your family.
We provide advice to help you sustain your current home wherever possible, including preventing homelessness and making appropriate adaptations to make your home more suitable after a period of ill health or disability.
Please note that the London Borough of Bexley does not own its own housing stock. If you become homeless, any emergency accommodation we provide is likely to be outside the borough. Therefore, our information is based on prevailing circumstances within the London Borough of Bexley. Longer term, any accommodation offer may be in the privately rented sector and outside the borough.
Support sustaining your home
Services that can provide additional support that you may need alongside your housing-related issue
Disabled facilities grant
If you, or someone you live with, is disabled and your home needs adapting, you may be eligible for a disabled facilities grant
Discretionary Housing Payment and/or Cost of living support funding
Apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment and/or Cost of living support funding if you need extra help to cover your housing, food or energy costs
Private renting
Renting from a private landlord is one housing option and may give you some choice as to where you live
Social housing
Registered Providers, also known as Housing Associations, manage social housing in Bexley. Register on Bexley HomeChoice to apply to the housing register
Affordable home ownership
Schemes to help you buy your own home and housing developments in Bexley
At risk of losing your accommodation
Get housing advice if you are at risk of losing your accommodation
Paying for your emergency accommodation
You are liable for your full rent if you live in emergency accommodation. Make a payment using our online form
Landlord incentive schemes
Rent your property through our Landlord Incentive Scheme, Let2Bex
Property licensing
Information about our property licensing schemes and our public register of licensed properties
Fire safety in Bexley
Information on fire safety following the Grenfell Tower incident
Property disrepair including damp and mould
Information on what to do about damp and mould, controlling condensation and how to complain about property conditions if you live in a privately rented property