What is the Planning Committee?
Most planning applications are decided by senior planning officers under delegated powers. However, some applications are decided by the Planning Committee, where the delegated powers do not apply.
Both officers and the Planning Committee must make their decisions within a framework of planning law and practice.
At the meeting
The Committee meets approximately every five weeks at the Civic Offices, Bexleyheath. The meetings are normally on a Thursday evening and the start time will be on the agenda. Members of the public have the right to attend meetings of the Planning Committee and in certain circumstances can address the committee on an application that is being decided.
Speaking at Committee
If you have made written representations on a planning application or you are the applicant we will write to you to tell you that an application is being reported to the Planning Committee and explain your speaking rights. The deadlines that apply will be explained and it is important that you stick to them as you may not be able to speak if you do not follow them.
The rules and procedures around public speaking at Planning Committee are set out in the Council’s Planning Committee Procedure Rules (PDF).
Browse forthcoming and historic meetings
Committee agendas, decisions and minutes are uploaded for each Committee meeting. A webcast of the meeting can also be viewed on the website.