Following the Review


After the Design Review session, a written report will be issued that synthesises the discussions and comments of the panel. Design South East aim to issue the report to all attendees within ten working days of the session.

This report will be a concise written summary and will only include suggestions and recommendations made by the panel at the review.

In the case of current planning applications, the contents of the report will become a public document that is expects to be considered as a material planning consideration. Design South East are happy to amend the report if any factual errors are made, however cannot change the advice or opinions contained in the report.

Responding to the review

Applicants are encouraged to consider each point made in the report and it may be helpful to annotate in a submitted Design and Access Statement with how each point has been responded to. This will demonstrate a commitment to design quality by showing that the applicant team has positively engaged with Design Review.

Returning for another review

Projects often benefit from more than one design review; for example, a first review at the concept stage and another when more detailed designs have been developed. When a project is reviewed more than once, we will ensure that at least 2-3 panel members return from the previous session, to ensure continuity of advice.