Introduction to the Born Ready, School Ready, Bexley Ready guide

This guide is a resource for families, providing ideas to support play and learning at home and to help children in being ready for school.

School readiness starts from conception. This is a crucial time for brain development and children's brains are like sponges. Healthy brain development means that children learn and develop well, helping them to be ready for school and later life.

Picture of school girl wearing glasses and smiling

Born Ready, School Ready, Bexley Ready looks at infant/child development from the time of conception to when children go off to school.

Born Ready, School Ready, Bexley Ready will give you ideas about how you can help your baby/child's brain development and support learning at home.

There are ideas for:

  • activities
  • talking with babies and children
  • looking at books
  • play
  • outings
  • stay and play groups


  • sleep
  • diet
  • behaviour
  • toileting
  • language development
  • health information

You can also find out where to get support if you’re worried about your child in any way. 

Also included is information on childcare and how to access nursery, childminders and school places (this is also detailed on our Childcare page). It’s the one-stop-shop for anything child-related.

Remember that children develop at different rates and some children will find some skills and learning more difficult. Many of the activities included here can be adapted for children of any age and stage of development, including children with Special Education Needs or Disabilities. Play is about exploration and being social, so anyone can join in! For children with additional needs, more information can be sought from your GP, Health Visitor or staff where your child attends a setting.

You can find out more from Bexley’s Local Offer website and find information and support through Bexley Voice.

Parents/carer’s children with SEN can access the Information Advice Support Service.