1. The Bexley Context

a. Introduction

The London Borough of Bexley has a strong track record of supporting the development and quality improvement of early years education and childcare provision. Giving children the best possible early learning experiences coupled with a comprehensive range of early help support is a high priority. Our commitment to training and developing the workforce, improving practice, and supporting the development of new provision reflects this.

The Local Authority has a duty of care under the Childcare Act 2006 to ensure there is sufficient good quality childcare for parents. It is essential that the Local Authority understands the demand for capacity across the borough and what our parents need. We also have a number of statutory requirements in relation to childcare sufficiency that include:

  • providing information, advice and guidance to parents seeking childcare
  • providing information, advice, guidance, and access to training for existing and potential childcare providers
  • securing sufficient early education places for all eligible children 9 months plus if their parents want to access funded childcare and enough high-quality childcare places for eligible 2-year-olds receiving additional forms of support (Play2Learn). From April 2024, this offer is for 15 hours for 9 months plus to 3 years old.  In September 2025 this will increase to 30 hours for working families, bringing it in line with the existing offer for 3- and 4-year-olds. (see below)
  • meeting our duties under the Equality Act 2010 when securing early learning places

Bexley has a team of Early Years Support Officers, Advisers, Area SENCOs and Specialist Officers available to assist providers in delivering high-quality childcare by helping them to meet all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. Providers are regulated by Ofsted or Childminder Agencies, where required, but the Local Authority monitors them and helps them to maintain and improve their quality of provision.

It is our aim to always meet the needs of parents where possible and to have the tools in place that enable them to source the childcare that best suits their needs. We also have a duty to ensure there is adequate provision for children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in the borough and that parents can access this for their children.  We know that approximately 6% of children in Early Years settings in Bexley have been identified as having a Special Education Need or Disability (SEND), with the main area of need being speech, language and communication difficulties. Early Years settings screen children for communication difficulties and have identified that approximately 47% will need some additional support at some stage in their early learning.  Bexley Early Years Team can support parents with finding the right setting for their child, and provide information, advice, guidance and training to settings on meeting their needs, securing extra funding and referring to other professionals as needed. 

The Department for Education has invited Bexley to participate in its national Safety Valve Programme. The programme is aimed at addressing the increase in demand for Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) and the associated costs it places on the Council’s High Needs Budget. Through this programme, Bexley Early Years will offer early speech and language intervention to children requiring support to help reduce the need for Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), including Early Talk Boost and WellComm.

In the 2023 Spring Budget, the Government announced plans for reforms to childcare to support parents to return to and stay in work. By September 2025 eligible working parents in England will be able to access 30 hours of free childcare per week, for 38 weeks per year, from the term after their child is 9 months old to when they start school. The first phase of this expansion happened from April 2024, when eligible 2-year-olds of working families will be able to access 15 hours of funded childcare. In September 2024, this extended to eligible 9-month-olds. 

In addition, from September 2024, the Government gave a commitment that all primary school-age children who need it will have access to wraparound childcare from 8am to 6pm during term time.   In Bexley, we are working with schools and private providers to secure provision in all parts of the borough that need it.  The Wraparound Lead for Bexley is Joanne Smith (wraparound@bexley.gov.uk

In October 2024, the Government announced funding of up to £150,000 each, for Schools to utilise unused space to start up or expand School Based Nurseries provision.  This will increase the number of early education places and support the expanded childcare offer. 

In addition, in November 2024 the Government announced funding for Free breakfast clubs in schools from April 2025.  They are starting with 750 early adopter schools to test out the methodology. 

b. Locality Information

Bexley is a small Local Authority located in Southeast London with a population of approximately 246,500 people (according to the 2021 Census) and is comprised of just over 6,000 hectares. 

Bexley has a range of childcare provision across the borough offering a variety of flexible childcare options to parents. New providers continue to register. At the time of publication Bexley has:

57 primary schools

38 of which have nursery classes

93 Ofsted registered day nurseries and preschools

294 Ofsted registered childminders

203 of which offer funded places

17 childminders registered with agencies

36 Ofsted registered Out of School Clubs, plus several run by schools

In addition, there are a number of unregistered organisations that provide Holiday Activities and Food Programme provision, community activities and care for older children

Data provided by Ofsted. Figures are correct as of January 2025.

Bexley's population data including the number of PVI's providers and childminders

The table below shows the wards in Bexley with population data from the last 20 years of census reports.

Data provided by the Office for National Statistics.

NamePopulation Census - 29 April 2001Population Census - 27 March 2011Population Census - 21 March 2021
Total in Bexley218,307231,997246,472
Blackfen & Lamorbey16,07916,16616,726
Blendon & Penhill15,06515,77415,631
Crook Log14,34515,01215,259
East Wickham14,65215,21015,913
Falconwood & Welling14,93615,60816,573
Northumberland Heath10,39710,60811,143
Slade Green & Northend10,17811,26012,749
St Mary's & St James9,43310,03510,747
Thamesmead East14,24615,73115,926
West Heath15,31515,76515,936

This following map that shows the different Wards in Bexley which are coloured-coded by population density:

  • the darker red areas are the most densely populated
  • the lighter areas are the most sparsely populated

View population density map for Bexley

Data provided by the Office for National Statistics.

The following map shows the pockets of deprivation in Bexley:

  • the darker areas are areas of higher deprivation
  • the lighter areas are areas of least deprivation

In summary, the north and south of the borough have pockets of deprivation, with a pocket in the East as well. The full map can be viewed below:

View deprivation map for Bexley

Data provided by Bexley Local Character Study 2021.

c. Support For Families in Bexley

Children's Centres

Bexley Children’s Centres aim to improve outcomes for young children, ensuring they are happy, healthy, and ready to begin school. The Centres also provide help and support to families around parenting, health, well-being, and employability. The services they provide are designed for parents and carers who may be expecting a new baby or have a child under the age of five.   They concentrate on supporting the first 1001 days of a child’s life.  

Children’s Centres offer a range of services, including:

  • pre-school education and access to early education and childcare (on some sites)
  • access to health services, including health visiting and midwifery care
  • adult learning opportunities to help parents/carers progress into training or employment
  • access to play opportunities that are available to everyone, such as Stay and Play
  • access to services delivered by private providers that are available to everyone with small fees attached

In Bexley, you can access Children’s Centre services from one of our Children’s Centres and also from venues across the borough, including libraries, leisure centres and community buildings. This means that families have more choice and can access services nearer to their homes.

Children’s Centres welcome all Bexley families who are expecting a baby or who have a child under five. Our main centres are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm with some timetabled sessions on a Saturday. We have a dedicated Children's Centre Team who are available to support you in accessing services and information. They will also deliver sessions across the borough together with some of our partners.

Find out more information about our Children’s Centres