Secondary schools in Bexley
This section provides you with information about the secondary schools in Bexley. Admission Arrangements for admission in September 2025 can be viewed on the individual school's websites.
Further information can be found in the school prospectus published by each school. The prospectuses include information about things like the organisation and curriculum of the school, religious education, sex education, discipline, pastoral care, school rules, uniform, careers advice, public examination entries and results.
Parents may obtain copies of the prospectuses by applying to the individual schools in which they are interested. Schools will normally have their prospectus available at the open days and evenings.
Details of open days and evenings are available below and on the individual school's websites.
You can also find more information about schools by reading recent Ofsted reports. A copy of the most recent Ofsted report for each school is available from Ofsted’s website.
Bexley's secondary schools
There are 16 secondary schools in Bexley.
Beths Grammar School
- Headteacher - Mr R J Blyghton
- Admissions contact - Mrs J Owen
- Type of school - Boys Grammar, Mixed Sixth Form
- Age range - 11 to 18
- School DfE number - 303-5403
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 192
- Preferences for 2024 – 1011
- Bus route(s) - 132, 229, 269, 492, 601, B12
- Nearest train station - Bexley
- Supplementary form required? - Yes, if you are applying under the Pupil Premium criteria, only
Beths Grammar School welcome message
Throughout his time at Beths Grammar School, your son will be academically challenged and stimulated through accelerated learning, given the opportunities and motivation to aim at the very top for his future, and supported at all times by an Outstanding team of teaching and support staff. Our aim is to educate the whole pupil, readying them for higher education or the world of work through an Outstanding curriculum and wealth of extra-curricular activities which develop their independence and leadership skills. These include House Competitions, Duke of Edinburgh, highly successful sports teams, music and the arts. We retain nearly all our students into Sixth Form. Focusing on, ‘Promoting Educational Excellence and Leadership Skills’, we seek to create young adults who are forward thinking, confident and highly successful, readying them for a technologically advanced age and a global community. We do this through marrying the old with the new; combining grammar school traditions with the freedom enabled by academy status to offer a diverse and engaging curriculum, enriched by the use of technology. Above all, our students remain our most valued asset. They are polite, articulate and their behaviour is Outstanding. We strongly recommend you attend our Open Events to speak to them directly about their life at Beths Grammar School and look forward to showing you some of the fantastic work they produce and the exciting opportunities we have to offer. For more information about our curriculum, a copy of our Ofsted report or any other information, please visit our website.
School open days
Day visits
- Monday 7 October 2024 (pm)
- Tuesday 8 October 2024 (pm)
- Wednesday 9 October 2024 (am)
- Thursday 10 October 2024 (am)
- Friday 11 October 2024 (am)
- Monday 14 October 2024 (am)
- Tuesday 15 October 2024 (am)
- Wednesday 16 October 2024 (am)
- Thursday 17 October 2024 (pm)
- Friday 18 October 2024 (am)
Visit the Beths Grammar School website for further details.
School contact details
- Address - Hartford Rd, Bexley DA5 1NE
- Telephone - 01322 556538
- Email -
- Beths Grammar School website
School admission arrangements
Bexley Grammar School
- Headteacher - H J Gilmore
- Admissions contact - Miss Houghton
- Type of school - Academy, Co-educational, Selective
- Age range - 11 to 18
- Specialisms - Languages, Science and Mathematics
- School DfE number - 303-4000
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 210
- Preferences for 2024 – 1452
- Bus route(s) - 51, 89, 96, 486, B15, B16
- Nearest train station - Welling
- Supplementary form required? - Yes, only for children who are applying for a pupil premium place. The Supplementary Form is available on the Bexley Grammar School website.
Bexley Grammar School welcome message
At Bexley Grammar School, we pride ourselves on the caring relationships which underpin life at the school. Visitors regularly comment on the atmosphere they feel as soon as they enter our school: friendly, stimulating and welcoming - there is a very palpable sense of a cohesive school community. In October 2022, OFSTED renewed our long-standing Outstanding status - we welcome you to see for yourselves what led to such an impressive achievement.
Our vision is of a school that gives students the confidence to succeed in whatever they aspire to do in their lives. We want all students to reach their full academic potential and to develop into compassionate future leaders in line with our ethos: At Bexley Grammar School we strive to develop students who value Intellect, Empathy and Courage.
We have a first rate curriculum: Our outstanding academic record speaks for itself. Our challenging curriculum includes two languages and three separate sciences as standard at GCSE and a fully IB (International Baccalaureate) Sixth Form. Our Sixth Form students regularly achieve the highest proportion locally of places at Oxbridge and other top universities and some of the highest rates of entry into Higher Education in the country. We have been designated as a Specialist Language College and awarded a further specialism in Science with Mathematics which we use to focus on promoting STEM, especially with girls.
We offer unrivalled pastoral care and excellent standards of discipline: Bexley Grammar School is, primarily, its students; their achievements present the best evidence for judging how the school is progressing. Students are valued as individuals in their own right and challenged to achieve their personal best in whatever they tackle. As a mixed selective school, we believe we are in a particularly privileged position to support the development of responsible, reflective, well-rounded people who understand tolerance and who appreciate and value differences between individuals. Year 7 students are nurtured particularly carefully as they settle into a new school, as are our relationships with you as parents and carers; this home-school partnership is central to the success of your child. Our highly qualified, enthusiastic and dedicated staff are committed to providing this care in a disciplined, inspiring environment which allows students to flourish and to face their next steps with confidence.
We offer a truly remarkable array of enriching trips and extracurricular activities: There are opportunities to travel both locally and across the globe; to take part in World Challenge, Duke of Edinburgh, Sports, Music, Drama, enrichment visits to the theatre, lectures from prominent academics; the list is endless. But for many Bexley Grammar students, their most precious memories arise out of the healthy rivalry generated by our extremely lively House competitions which encompass everything from dance to gardening and from music to bridge. These also provide a strong link with the past traditions and values of the school.
We look forward to welcoming prospective Year 6 pupils and their families to our Open Mornings, when you can see the school at work and make your own judgements about our strengths. In the meantime, if you wish to find out more about the school, please visit the website and be sure to have a look at our weekly newsletters to get a flavour of our vibrant community.
School open days
Day visits
Open morning visits - booking is required.
- Tuesday 22 October
- Wednesday 23 October
- Thursday 24 October
Visit the Bexley Grammar School website for further details on times.
School contact details
- Address - Danson Lane, Welling DA16 2BL
- Telephone - 020 8304 8538
- Email -
- Bexley Grammar School website
School admission arrangements
Bexleyheath Academy
- Principal - Ms Rubeka Luthfa
- Admissions contact – Mrs D Fisher
- Type of school - Mixed Secondary Academy
- Age range - 11 to 18
- School DfE number - 303-4002
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 330
- Preferences for 2024 – 772
- Bus route(s) - 89, 96, 132, 229, 401, 422, 469, 492, 494, 726, B11, B12, B13, B15, B16
- Nearest train station - Barnehurst and Bexleyheath
- Supplementary form required? – No
Bexleyheath Academy welcome message
We are part of the thriving Academies Enterprise Trust, and serve more than 1400 students in the London Borough of Bexley between the ages of 11 and 18. Bexleyheath Academy is a school where every student can be inspired to choose a Remarkable Life. Our mission is to provide every child with an excellent education, in every classroom, every day.
The core purpose of our Academy is to ensure that every student enjoys an education that will help prepare them for a Remarkable Life in our modern world; to encourage a thirst for knowledge that will continue beyond their time with us at Bexleyheath Academy.
Our curriculum has been designed specifically for our students by the talented team of subject-experts at Bexleyheath Academy. Within our curriculum:
- Students experience a curriculum with social equality and opportunity at its heart; ensuring that students develop an astute awareness of themselves, their peers and their place in the world.
- Students are met with intensity and rigour in every aspect of their school life and, with no time to waste in the lives of our students, there will be no wasted minutes in the classroom. Teachers will craft intellectually demanding sequences of lessons that meet students with high expectations; sequencing learning for long-term retention and depth of understanding. As a cornerstone of our academy, students will develop a deep, increasingly complex, working knowledge in their chosen areas of study.
- Students will grow a toolkit necessary to solve in-depth tasks in every subject and, in developing their complexity of thought, they will understand the ability to make links as the foundation of intellect. Students will acknowledge a focus on the progress they are making in terms of knowing more, remembering more and being able to do more.
Bexleyheath Academy provides an environment in which talents and abilities can thrive. We are a truly inclusive Academy offering all our students, whatever their background or ability, a great experience in the classroom, fantastic cultural opportunities and caring pastoral support.
We are proud of our high expectations in terms of behaviour, effort and a readiness to take an active role in Academy life. The sense of community and pride in our Academy is clear as you walk around. We pursue excellence because we are proud of what we stand for. No matter what a person’s role in the Academy, all staff work tirelessly to ensure every one of our students pursues excellence in all that they do.
School open days
Main open day/evening
Face to Face Open Evening:
- Wednesday 18 September 2024
Virtual Open Evening:
- Wednesday 3 October 2024 5:30pm to 7pm
Day visits
Open Mornings Tours:
- Every day from Monday 23 September until Friday 27 September 2024.
Visit the Bexleyheath Academy website to book a place for a tour.
School contact details
- Address - Woolwich Road, Bexleyheath, DA6 7DA
- Telephone - 020 8303 5696
- Email -
- Bexleyheath Academy website
School admission arrangements
Blackfen School for Girls
- Headteacher - Ms Carrie Senior
- Admissions contact – Mrs J Clayton/ Mrs A Stannett
- Type of school - Non-Selective Girls School with mixed Sixth Form
- Age range - 11 to 18
- School DfE number - 303-4008
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 230
- Preferences for 2024 – 557
- Bus route(s) - 132, B13, 51
- Nearest train station - Sidcup
- Supplementary form required? - No
Blackfen School for Girls welcome message
Blackfen School is a progressive and vibrant learning community that focuses on raising the aspirations and releasing the potential of every young person in our care.
The school is an Academy and is part of the Penhill Academies Umbrella Trust with Sherwood Park School, Hurstmere, Bexley Grammar School and Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School. This enables us to continue ensuring that students leave Blackfen School as successful, happy and fulfilled young people who are equipped with the necessary skills, qualifications and experiences to make them successful in their future lives. We believe everything is possible and can be achieved through hard work, determination and perseverance. We believe that all our young people have a growth mindset and that their intelligence is not fixed.
Our beliefs are demonstrated through a learning community that thrives on innovative and challenging teaching, complemented by frequent visits and enrichment activities.
Students participate in extra-curricular activities ranging from Music, Drama, Book Club and the Duke of Edinburgh awards to life-changing trips to, for example, New York, Poland, Barcelona, Rome and our partner school in India. The welfare programme is characterised by strong personal and academic support, as well as the development of students’ leadership skills. Our frequent rewards and celebrations for high-level attainment and progress are welcomed by students and their parents.
The success of Blackfen students at school is underpinned by the support of parents - at home and in partnership with staff. The contribution of our parent partners ensures that Blackfen School provides an educational experience that nurtures the very best outcome in every student. We invest heavily in nurturing our new students. All Year 6 pupils are visited in their primary school and spend a day with us in the summer term to familiarise themselves with different school routines. We look forward to welcoming prospective Year 6 pupils and their families to one of our Open Mornings to see the school in action and to the Open Evening, to collect a Prospectus and further subject information.
Please continue to look at our website for more information.
School open days
Main open day/evening
- Thursday 26 September 2024 at 5:30pm to 8:00pm
- Head teacher talks:
- 5:30pm
- 6:15pm
- 7pm
- Head teacher talks:
Parking is limited.
Day visits
Open morning tours - Head teacher talk and tour starts at 9am:
- Monday 30 September 2024
- Tuesday 1 October 2024
- Wednesday 9 October 2024
- Thursday 10 October 2024
- Thursday 17 October 2024
Visit the Blackfen School for Girls website for further details.
School contact details
- Address - Blackfen Road, Sidcup, DA15 9NU
- Telephone - 020 8303 1887
- Email -
- Blackfen School for Girls website
School admission arrangements
Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School
- Headteacher - Mr N Walker
- Admissions contact –
- Type of school - Grammar School, Mixed Academy Status
- Age range - 11 to 18
- School DfE number - 303-4009
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 192
- Preferences for 2024 – 1384
- Bus route(s) - 51, 160, 229, 233, 269, 492, 624, 625
- Nearest train station - Sidcup
- Supplementary form required? - No
Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School welcome message
The vision of Sidcup Grammar school is to ‘help the learners of today become the leaders of tomorrow’ whilst offering the best of selective education to young people. The school stands for excellence in all fields: academic, cultural, aesthetic and sporting. All pupils are encouraged to develop their character in a caring, disciplined environment, and above all to have high expectations of themselves. The school prides itself on its traditions and values and on developing a friendly and personal atmosphere.
The school offers a broad and balanced curriculum, including two languages, three Sciences and a full range of artistic and creative subjects, all of which can be studied to A level. The staff are highly qualified and dedicated to ensuring that students achieve highly at GCSE and A Level. Students leaving the Sixth Form go on to many of the country’s most prestigious universities or achieve apprenticeships with leading companies.
Pastoral care
Pastoral care is organised around six tutor groups led by a Head of Learning. Each tutor group is part of a House, which forms the basis for extensive competitions during each year. We understand the importance of the transition process for Year 7 and have a bespoke programme in place, including a Summer School and support from senior students through the early weeks of Year 7 and beyond. Each student is treated as an individual and challenged to fulfil their potential during their Chis ‘n Sid journey. We value our partnerships with parents/guardians and parents/guardians are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education. The school’s achievement of the prestigious Quality in Careers Award reflects the outstanding support given to all students as they prepare for life beyond school.
The extra-curricular life of the school is outstanding. A wide variety of opportunities exist for all pupils in sport, music, drama, language exchanges, trips abroad, debating, dancing, clubs and societies. The music, drama and sport is exceptional with outstanding children in all years. In particular, our rugby and netball teams are very successful and enjoy excellent facilities, including the new floodlights for the netball courts and the extended weight training facility for the senior rugby squads. There are purpose-built facilities for Drama and Music.
The hallmark of the school is its success in developing each pupil’s skills and abilities and enabling them to take their place with confidence in higher education or employment. Pupils are confident, self-disciplined and eminently marketable in the world that lies ahead.
School open days
Open Mornings 2024:
- Friday 18 October 8:45am and 9:30am
- Monday 21 October 8:45am and 9:30am
- Wednesday 23 October (times to be confirmed)
Small Tour Events 2024:
- Monday 7 October
- Tuesday 8 October
- Wednesday 9 October
- Thursday 10 October
- Friday 11 October
- Monday 14 October
- Tuesday 15 October
- Wednesday 16 October
- Thursday 17 October
- Friday 18 October
- Monday 21 October
- Tuesday 22 October
- Wednesday 23 October
All of the above events require tickets and the tickets will be released on Trybooking from 20t September onwards, the later dates will be reserved for children deemed selective only. These tours will allow a combined total of 400 children and 1 accompanying parent/guardian to visit the school over the 13 dates.
Please revisit the school website periodically for booking release dates. Release dates will be staggered and are subject to change to reflect the release of the selective test results. Please also visit our Explore our School webpage where you will find a Y7 video tour filmed in 2023 this give you an insight into life at ‘Chis n Sid’. Additionally, there is a previous virtual tour for prospective Y7 students and a Y12 virtual tour. Multiple bookings for the same child will be cancelled. Please be advised there is strictly no parking on school premises.
Visit the Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School website for further details.
School contact details
- Address - Hurst Road, Sidcup, DA15 9AG
- Telephone - 020 8302 6511
- Email -
- Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School website
School admission arrangements
Cleeve Park School
- Headteacher - Mrs Alex O’Donnell (Executive Head Teacher)
- Admissions contact - Ms F Stenson-Croset
- Type of school - Academy, Mixed, All Ability
- Age range - 11 to 18
- School DfE number - 303-4030
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 180
- Preferences for 2024 – 532
- Bus route(s) - 669 (bus comes on site) & B14
- Nearest train station - Albany Park or Sidcup
- Supplementary form required? - No
Cleeve Park School welcome message
- Our vision is to provide an excellent education for all our students
- Our mission statement is Commitment, Pride, Success, Commitment to learning; Pride in ourselves and our community; Success in all we do.
Cleeve Park is a school that bases our educational values on Commitment, Pride and Success. Commitment to learning; Pride in ourselves and our community; Success in all we do.
From the moment you visit our school we will support your child to recognise their potential and build confidence & ambition. Our school offers a broad and balanced curriculum that is partnered with strong pastoral care.
Academic achievement
Academic success is important to open doors for the future. We understand that success looks very different for different people and celebrate those differences but with a clear focus on GCSE and Post 16 qualifications as the main route to success in adult life. We have high expectations for all students whatever their starting point. Students are set challenging but achievable targets. Where appropriate there is a wide menu of support and intervention.
Openness and Respect for self and others
We are a caring, polite, well-mannered and inclusive school community where everyone understands what is right and what is wrong and this holds strong influence over the way they treat themselves, the way they treat others and the way they make decisions.
We recognise that we can all continue to learn and improve and accept that the ways of the past may not be the way of the future.
Sport & the Arts
Education concerns the whole person and every pupil has the ability to achieve or excel if exposed to the correct opportunities. For some success in sport and the arts is the key to success in school. We have state of the art sports and performing arts facilities that encourage creativity and talent. We will encourage all students to participate in extra-curricular activities.
We look forward to welcoming you to our school to experience its unique atmosphere.
Further information is available from our website.
Cleeve Park School has been an Academy since 2012 and as part of The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT) benefits from the support a large Multi-Academy Trust can provide.
School open days
Main open day/evening
- Saturday 21 September 2024 - 9:30am to 12:30pm
Come and talk to our students, see our facilities and take a tour around the school. No booking required.
Please note - there will be no parking available on site for any of the open events so please allow time to find parking in the surrounding area.
Day visits
Open Morning Tours start promptly at 8:50am (no tours will be offered after 9.00am).
Open mornings dates:
- Tuesday 17 September
- Thursday 19 September
- Monday 23 September
- Wednesday 25 September
- Thursday 17 October
- Friday 18 October
Open Mornings will run from 8.50am to 9.45am.
Please check Cleeve Park School website for any updates to arrangements and times of Headteachers speech.
School contact details
- Address - Bexley Lane, Sidcup, DA14 4JN
- Telephone - 020 8302 6418
- Email -
- Cleeve Park School website
School admission arrangements
Haberdashers' Crayford Academy
- Executive Principal - Mr S Wheatley
- Admissions contact - Ms T Taylor or Mrs C S Nicholson
- Type of school - Secondary
- Age range - 11 to 18
- School DfE number - 303-6907
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 180
- Preferences for 2024 – 634
- Bus route(s) - 428, 469, 96
- Nearest train station - Crayford
- Supplementary form required? - No
Haberdashers' Crayford Academy welcome message
Executive Principal's Welcome
On behalf of the pupils and staff at Crayford Academy, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our school.
We are delighted when families from the local community we serve choose to send their children to us, to receive a Haberdashers’ education.
Many pupils who will join us in year 7 will have already experienced life in our trust, having attended one of our primary schools. Many more from local primary schools choose to join us with a firm belief in our ethos at secondary. Expectations of our pupils are high from the start. We are a larger than average school and we take pride in getting to know pupils and parents, working in partnership to get the best possible academic results for children and providing an education for character that is synonymous with the Haberdashers’ schools.
Year 7 students are supported in their transition into Crayford Academy by members of our team of Pastoral staff. Our Pastoral & Wellbeing Mentors are on hand to help year 7 settle in and offer strategies for dealing with anxiety if they are worried about the transition. They are each allocated to a school hub and they will become an approachable, familiar face for your child.
Belonging to a Trust of schools affords our pupils the ‘Haberdashers’ Advantage’. We work closely with members of the Haberdashers’ Company. Some of whom are able to mentor our students, equipping them with knowledge and experience for their next pathway, and some students have been offered Apprenticeships through the Company. Our own staff expertise gives all students the opportunity to complete in sporting and extra-curricular activities. There is a focus at Crayford Academy on the importance of academic studies particularly in essential literacy and numeracy skills which we believe provide greater access to the breadth of secondary subjects offered.
Sixth Form students are role models for younger students in the secondary phase of the school and are able to help staff promote our values and ethos.
We are very proud of the environment in which we work and our students feel the same. Facilities for learning and recreation are first class, purpose built, safe and allow us to cater for a wide range of abilities. We have a thriving Sixth Form, and when you meet these students, you will notice that standards of behaviour and uniform, codes of conduct and good manners are consistent.
Haberdashers’ Crayford Academy is very popular with parents and children, bringing stability and self-esteem to all involved. We serve over 1000 pupils. As the Executive Principal, I am determined that this school, our staff and pupils continue to make a positive difference to the local community. We are proud to be Haberdashers’ Crayford Academy and look forward to welcoming you to our school.
Mr Steve Wheatley
Executive Principal
School open days
Main open day/evening
- Wednesday 25 September 2024 at 4pm
- Executive Principal talks at 5:30pm
Day visits
The Academy will be open to parents wishing to view the working school. Places will need to be booked in advance as there are only limited places available per session.
- Monday 23 September 2024
- Wednesday 25 September 2024
- Friday 27 September 2024
- Tuesday 1 October 2024
- Thursday 3 October 2024
There are two sessions times:
- Session 1 - 9:10am to 9:50am
- Session 2 - 10am to 10:40am
Visit the Haberdashers' Crayford Academy website to book a place.
School contact details
- Address - Iron Mill Lane, Crayford, DA1 4RS
- Telephone - 01322 402180
- Email -
- Admissions contact email -
- Haberdashers' Crayford Academy website
School admission arrangements
Harris Academy Falconwood
- Headteacher - Mr T Street BA, MA, NPQH
- Admissions contact - Mrs J Jones
- Type of school - Academy
- Age range - 11 to 18
- School DfE number - 303-6906
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 200
- Preferences for 2024 – 1384
- Bus route(s) - 51, B15, B16, 89, 486, 624, 625
- Nearest train station - Falconwood
- Supplementary form required? - Only if extra time is required in the Banding Test. Please contact the Academy for a Form
Harris Academy Falconwood welcome message
You can see Harris Academy Falconwood's welcome message by visiting their website
School open days
Main open day/evening
- Monday 23 September - 5:30pm to 8pm. No admittance after 7:30pm
Tickets are not required for the Open Evening.
Day visits
Open mornings for pre-booked ticket holders only:
- Tuesday 24th September 2024 (9am to 10am)
- Wednesday 25th September 2024 (9am to 10am)
- Monday 30 September 2024 (9am to 10am)
- Thursday 3rd October 2024 (9am to 10am)
Tickets for the open mornings will be available to book via the Academy website from September.
Visit the Harris Academy Falconwood website to book day visits.
School contact details
- Address - The Green, Welling, DA16 2PE
- Telephone - 020 8304 4916
- Email -
- Harris Academy Falconwood website
School admission arrangements
Harris Garrard Academy
- Headteacher - Ms Kristen Gringeri
- Admissions contact - Ms Emma Summers
- Type of school - All-through academy
- Age range - 4 to 18
- School DfE number - 303-4003
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 180
- Preferences for 2024: 456
- Bus route(s) - 180,401,601
- Nearest train station - Abbeywood, Belvedere
- Supplementary form required? - Yes
Harris Garrard Academy welcome message
Harris Garrard Academy opened in September 2017, as part of the Harris Federation. This is one of England’s most successful groups of academies. As an all-through school, pupils can join us in EYFS, Year 7 or Year 12.
The academy’s motto is ‘Learning Changes Lives’. This motto underpins everything that we do. The academy is characterised by the highest expectations of conduct and achievement for all. It is happy and caring community, but one in which academic achievement remains an unrelenting focus. Students make exceptional academic progress and achieve impressive exam results as a direct result of the excellent teaching that they receive. Through both the formal and informal curriculum, students practise the habits of virtue and develop good character. They will become thoughtful and polite young people, interested in the world around them, in the arts, in culture, in travel and in politics. They will relish their time at the academy and, when the time comes, will leave ready and eager to lead their lives as effective, well-rounded and responsible citizens.
We warmly invite you to visit the academy at one of our Open Events. More information about the academy can be found on our website.
School open days
Main open day/evening
- Thursday 3 October 2024
Day visits
Open mornings:
- Thursday 3 October 2024
- Monday 7 October 2024
- Wednesday 9 October 2024
Visit the Harris Garrard Academy website for further details.
School contact details
- Address - Yarnton Way, Erith, DA18 4DW
- Telephone - 020 8320 4800
- Email -
- Harris Garrard Academy website
School admission arrangements
Hurstmere School
- Headteacher - Lynn Bennett
- Admissions contact - Mrs K Mason
- Type of school - All boys
- Age range - 11 to 18
- School DfE number - 303-5405
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 210
- Preferences for 2024 – 373
- Bus route(s) - 229, 269
- Nearest train station - Albany Park, Sidcup
- Supplementary form required? - No
Hurstmere School welcome message
A Warm Welcome
Our school is a popular, non-selective secondary academy for boys aged 11 – 16, serving the local community of Sidcup. Hurstmere School is a special place, with a strong sense of community and a determination to succeed in all that we do.
Our vision is for our pupils to 'Believe and Achieve'; to be the best that they can be. By promoting high aspiration and fostering a confident, self-belief that with hard work and determination, there are no boundaries to what they can achieve.
Hurstmere offers a supportive and inclusive environment that celebrates and welcomes diversity. We expect everyone to have the highest expectations of themselves and of each other. Our pupils are expected to be ready to learn, to work hard and to celebrate their own and each other's achievements.
We have staff who are devoted to providing the best education and pastoral care possible, and pupils of whom we are extremely proud; this mix creates a school that is a pleasure to work and learn in.
We are committed to a strong home-school partnership and believe the whole community can contribute to the progress of our students as they journey through Hurstmere School, to sixth form, apprenticeships, university, the workplace and beyond.
School open days
Main open day/evening
- Saturday 28 September 2024 - 9am to 12noon
An opportunity to walk around the school with the family, No booking necessary.
Day visits
Weekday open morning tours begin promptly at 9am.
Guided tours of the school followed by Head teachers address:
- Monday 30 September 2024
- Tuesday 1 October 2024
- Wednesday 2 October 2024
- Thursday 3 October 2024
- Friday 4 October 2024
- Monday 21 October
- Tuesday 22 October 2024
Please telephone 0208 300 5665 to make a reservation for a tour.
Visit the Hurstmere School website for further details.
School contact details
- Address - Hurst Rd, Sidcup, DA15 9AW
- Telephone - 020 8300 5665
- Email -
- Hurstmere School website
School admission arrangements
Leigh Academy Bexley
- Principal- John Dixon
- Admissions contact –
- Type of school - Academy Sponsor Led
- Age range - 11 to 19
- School DfE number - 303-4005
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 250
- Preferences for 2024 – 323
- Bus route(s) - B12, 229
- Nearest train station - Erith
- Supplementary form required? - No
Leigh Academy Bexley welcome message
Leigh Academy Bexley opened in June 2023 as part of Leigh Academies Trust. Our vision is that regardless of their background and starting point, students will leave us as kind, resilient, independent learners with the right behaviour and attitudes to ensure continuous progress and achievement, ready for the next stage of their education and beyond. We want our students to be successful in their chosen careers, in their relationships and in their interaction with the world.
We aspire for Leigh Academy Bexley to be a highly effective and truly inclusive school, reflecting the vibrant, diverse, and dynamic community that we serve. We believe in connecting with our local community and championing our local area.
We believe in providing our young people with an education that unlocks curiosity, ignites ambition, and forges a social conscience, equipping our students with the tools they need to have an impact on the world around them. From September 2024 we begin the journey to become an International Baccalaureate World School, providing a dynamic and innovative curriculum. As part of the academy’s high-quality digital learning experience, all students are provided with a Chromebook used across the curriculum, to support their learning and all teaching staff have Google Educator certification.
Our teachers lead with professionalism and scholarship; they are experts in their field. All of us are part of a warm and caring family of staff, Governors and Trust colleagues who have the highest ambition and a deep hunger to learn. Our staff receive regular, first-class training to achieve mastery of their craft, amazing support to flourish every day, and a sense of shared moral purpose about the best job in the world.
At Leigh Academy Bexley, students join one of the five colleges, each with a team of staff, dedicated to helping them reach their full potential. The college communities are vertical and have students in tutor groups according to their year group - allocation is not determined by academic performance. Students’ personal development is also promoted through amazing life experiences which are part of a wide range of enriching extracurricular clubs, cultural activities and our values curriculum.
An increasingly broad programme of extra-curricular opportunities is offered to all students, extending the curriculum beyond the classroom through our Cultural Capital Days providing students with increased confidence and building resilience. We aim to enhance the life chances of every student, an ambition which goes beyond exams and league tables alone.
Leigh Academies Trust (LAT) is one of the largest and most successful multi-academy trusts in the region with 33 academies in Kent, Medway, Bexley, and Greenwich. To date, 11 are graded outstanding by Ofsted. It has the capacity to provide significant and immediate support in all areas required so that Leigh Academy Bexley can enjoy the benefits of being part of a wide local educational network.
Leigh Academy Bexley will receive unprecedented investment and refurbishment as part of joining Leigh Academies Trust, providing excellent learning facilities. Being part of the LAT will ensure that students are equipped with the knowledge, skills and experiences so that they can play an active and informed role in modern 21st Century Britain. We provide outstanding academic support and pastoral guidance, so that students can lead fulfilling and successful adult lives: inquisitive, articulate and internationally engaged, our students are defined by their boundless thirst for knowledge, self-improvement and learning.
Further information about our Academy can be found on our website.
School open days
Main open day/evening
- Wednesday 25 September 2024 - 5pm to 7:30pm
- Presentations - 5:30pm and 6:30pm
Day visits
- Tuesday 1 October - 9am to 10:30am
- Thursday 3 October - 9am to 10:30am
- Tuesday 8 October - 9am to 10:30am
Visit the Leigh Academy Bexley website for further details.
School contact details
- Address - Avenue Road, Erith, DA8 3BN
- Telephone - 01322 348231
- Email -
- Admissions contact email -
- Leigh Academy Bexley website
School admission arrangements
St Catherine's Catholic School for Girls
- Headteacher - Nicola Thompson
- Admissions Contact – Miss Wendy Boyle
- Type of school - Academy converter
- Age range - 11 to 16
- School DfE number - 303-5402
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 210
- Preferences for 2024 – 417
- Bus route(s) - 96
- Nearest train station - Barnehurst
- Supplementary form required? - Yes
St Catherine's Catholic School for Girls welcome message
Thank you for your interest in St Catherine’s. We are a thriving Catholic comprehensive school with a reputation for providing the highest quality educational opportunity for all its students.
The school has developed over the years and is situated on a beautiful green site. The grounds of the school are fully accessible to the students throughout the day for them to enjoy.
Behaviour and the students’ attitude to learning are exceptionally good. The school is described by visitors as being very calm yet purposeful. Our staff work extremely hard in creating learning experiences for the students that are interesting, active and challenging.
The students are well supported throughout their journey and will leave St Catherine’s as young women empowered to take on the challenges of adult life but also with a true sense of social responsibility.
We believe it is essential to your daughter’s future success that we develop a healthy partnership with all parents and carers. Regular communication is essential and at St Catherine’s this has been a key to our success.
Please come and visit our school. It is a great place to be.
Please remember, if you wish to apply to St Catherine’s as well as putting the school on your Common Application Form, you must complete a supplementary form and return it to the school by Friday 20 October 2024.
School open days
Main open day/evening
- Open evening Thursday 3 October 2024
Day visits
- Check school website
Visit the St Catherine's Catholic School for Girls website for further details.
School contact details
- Address - Watling Street, Bexleyheath, DA6 7QJ
- Telephone - 01322 556333
- Email -
- St Catherine's Catholic School for Girls website
School admission arrangements
St Columba's Catholic Boys' School
- Headteacher - Mr D A Evans
- Admissions contact - Mrs V Walker
- Type of school - Academy
- Age range - 11 to 16
- School DfE number - 303-5401
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 180
- Preferences for 2024 – 272
- Bus route(s) - 89, 96, 132, 401, 494, B13, B15, 601
- Nearest train station - Barnehurst, Bexley
- Supplementary form required? No - Supplementary Form but Certificate of Catholic Practice for Catholic Families for those applying under Criteria 2. A statement from Minister of faith group/congregation for those applying under Criteria 4, 5 and 6.
St Columba's Catholic Boys' School welcome message
As a Catholic Comprehensive Academy, we welcome boys of all academic and religious backgrounds. St Columba’s Catholic Boys’ School is a welcoming, vibrant and happy community dedicated to faith, learning and achievement. We have a tradition of high standards and high expectations. As a caring Christian community, we work in partnership with parents and parishes to enable our students achieve their very best.
We are a community where the Gospel values inform all aspects of community life and learning. Our motto is 'Tenui Nec Dimittam' meaning 'Have Faith'. Our community ethos ensures that the school is a place where everyone has the right to be happy, be safe and achieve.
Our last Ofsted inspection recognised that St Columba’s is a Good school. They said ‘Warm and positive relationships are a strong feature of your school. As a result, pupils feel confident in lessons to ask questions and push themselves forward in their learning. You have continued to maintain high standards of behaviour since the last inspection.’ Gratifyingly they also said ‘The school has strong support from staff, parents and carers. A high number of parents responded to Parent View, Ofsted’s online questionnaire, and they are extremely positive about the school. Virtually all respondents would recommend St Columba’s Catholic Boys’ School to other parents.’
Ofsted recognise that our success is built upon our vision which is everywhere in our school, in every classroom, corridor and office. The vision says,
‘Our school is an inclusive place of learning that celebrates and welcomes diversity. Every member of our community is a unique and special creation of God and is known, cared for and valued for the contribution they make. Every student is challenged and supported to achieve his best.’
St Columba's is a community where we focus on the whole formation of the student; our very pleasing results in 23-24 are a part of the picture. Evidence of life at the school can be seen in the St Columba’s Weekly News, where students’ day-to-day experiences are documented and celebrated throughout the year.
Our highly committed and caring staff ensure high academic standards are achieved and also offer a wide variety of exciting extracurricular activities. Our broad and balanced curriculum is designed to match the needs of the individual child. The school is part of the SELCAT trust and as well as part of the Corpus Christi Partnership of Bexley Catholic schools. Through that, all students have access to the very successful Christ the King: St. Mary’s sixth form college to continue their studies.
More information is available on our website.
School open days
Main open day/evening
- Saturday 5 October 2024 - 9:30am to 12:30pm
Day visits
Open morning tours 9:30am:
- Tuesday 8 October 2024
- Wednesday 9 October 2024
- Thursday 10 October 2024
- Tuesday 22 October 2024
- Wednesday 23 October 2024
- Thursday 24 October 2024
Visit the St Columba's Catholic Boys' School website for further details.
School contact details
- Address - Halcot Avenue, Bexleyheath, DA6 7QB
- Telephone - 01322 553236
- Email -
- St Columba's Catholic Boys' School website
School admission arrangements
Townley Grammar School
- Headteacher - Mrs Nevita Pandya
- Admissions contact -
- Type of school - Selective girls’ grammar with academy status
- Age range - 11 to 18
- Specialisms - Performing & Visual Arts/Mathematics & Computing
- School DfE number - 303-4001
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 224
- Preferences for 2024 – 928
- Bus route(s) - B13, 269, 602
- Nearest train station - Bexley, Bexleyheath
- Supplementary form required? Yes - if your daughter is eligible for Free School Meals and/or attracts Pupil Premium
Townley Grammar School welcome message
You can see Townley Grammar School's welcome message by visiting their website
School open days
Open mornings
- Tuesday 8 October - 9am to 11am
- Tuesday 15 October - 9am to 11am
Small Group morning tours (please check school website for times)
- Monday 7 October
- Thursday 10 October
- Friday 11 October
- Monday 14 October
- Wednesday 16 October
- Friday 18 October
Visit the Townley Grammar School website for further details.
School contact details
- Address - Townley Road, Bexleyheath, DA6 7AB
- Telephone - 020 8304 8311
- Email -
- Townley Grammar School website
School admission arrangements
Trinity Church of England School
- Headteacher - Mr John Willoughby
- Admissions contact – Mrs Cema Pinnock
- Type of school - Academy
- Age range - 11 to 18
- School DfE number - 303-4603
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 180
- Preferences for 2024 – 539
- Bus route(s) - 99, 229
- Nearest train station - Belvedere, Erith
- Supplementary form required? - Yes
- Complete the Supplementary Information Form provided by Trinity School. Forms can be obtained from the school office or website
- Return the form to the school by 31 October 2024 - please note we only accept paper copies
- Complete and return the Common Application Form provided by your Local Authority by the published deadline, naming Trinity School (not necessarily as first choice)
Trinity Church of England School welcome message
You can see Trinity Church of England School's welcome message by visiting their website
School open days
Day visits
- Saturday 5 October
Open mornings
- Wednesday 9 October 2024
- Thursday 10 October 2024
Visit the Trinity School website for further details on times.
School contact details
- Address - Erith Road, Belvedere, DA17 6HT
- Telephone - 01322 441371
- Email -
- Trinity School website
School admission arrangements
Welling School
- Headteacher - Brian Griffen
- Admission contact - Tracey Burvill
- Type of school - Non-selective
- Age range - 11 to 18
- School DfE number - 303-4021
- Y7 places available September 2025 - 300
- Preferences for 2024 – 289
- Bus route(s) - 96, B15, 422, B11, 486, 51
- Nearest train station - Welling
Welling School welcome message
You can see Welling School's welcome message by visiting their website
School open days
Main open day/evening
- Thursday 12 September 2024 - 4pm to 7pm
Day visits
Open morning:
- Monday 16 September to Friday 27 September 2024 - 9am to 10am
- Taster Sessions: Saturday 28 September 9:30am to 11:45am
- Art Showcase: Wednesday 2 October 4pm to 6pm
Visit the Welling School website for further details.
School contact details
- Address - Elsa Rd, Welling, DA16 1LB
- Telephone - 020 8304 8531
- Email -
- Welling School website