Interests and allowances

Register of Members' Interests

All Members of the Council are required by law to register their financial and other interests.

These include:

  • details of any employment or business carried out by them
  • the name of their employer
  • details of any directorships
  • contracts between themselves/their firm and the Council
  • interests in land in the area

The Register is maintained by us and is available for inspection on Your Councillors and selecting an individual Councillor. The Register of Members’ interest is available in the ‘More information about this councillor’ section.

Councillors must also declare any interest at any meeting where it is relevant to an item on the agenda and may have to leave the Committee or limit their participation in any consideration of that item. The rules are set out in the Members’ Code of Conduct.

What are Councillors paid in Bexley?

The allowances paid to Councillors in Bexley are agreed by the Council at the Annual Council meeting each year. The amount of those allowances is decided, taking into account the recommendations of the Independent Panel on the Remuneration of Councillors in London. However, Bexley has for many years paid its Councillors allowances well below the rates proposed by that Panel.

Every Councillor receives a basic allowance and Councillors that have special responsibilities receive an additional allowance for undertaking those duties.

Members' Allowances Scheme

The London Borough of Bexley has adopted a Members' Allowances Scheme in accordance with the Local Authorities Members' Allowances (England) Regulations 2003 for the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025.

The scheme is now available for inspection Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm at the Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath DA6 7AT, or you can read the Scheme of Members' Allowances (pages 5 to 19).

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