
Delivery of this strategy is set within the context of the SEND Code of Practice 2014, the Department for Education’s (DfE) Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement Plan: Right Support, Right Place, Right Time (published in March 2023), our Local Area SEND Priority Action Plan for improvements following the 2023 Ofsted/CQC inspection, and as part of our Designated Schools Grant Safety Valve Agreement with the Government.

We are putting in place a range of approaches to service delivery over the next five years, that will ensure we have a sustainable local SEND System in Bexley. This strategy aligns with the national and local SEND context we are working within, as well as other local strategies as they are developed and refreshed, including the Council’s corporate plan ‘Making Bexley Even Better’, the Autism Strategy, our Children’s Social Care Vision and priority framework, and the Adults Social Care Vision.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Bexley

(data from SEN2 Return (Jan 2024) and School Census data (Jan 2024))

43,333 children and young people attend Bexley schools (aged 4-18 years)

6,862 (16%) of Bexley pupils have SEND (SEN Support or EHCP)

4,853(11.2%) Bexley pupils supported via SEN support in our mainstream schools/settings

EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plans) 

3,075 children and young people (0-25 years) have Bexley maintained EHCPs, an 11% increase since January 2023

  • 3% are aged under 5
  • 32% are aged 5-10 years old
  • 33% are aged 11 to 15 years old
  • 20% are aged 16 to 19 years old
  • 12% are aged 20 to 25 years old
Person standing on a giant lightbulb

Comparison with London and National Averages 

2009 (4.6%) of Bexley pupils supported via an EHCP compared with averages for London (5.4%), and nationally (4.7%)

  • 71% of children and young people who have an EHCP are male and 29% are female
  • Of those children and young people (aged 0-25) in Bexley with an active EHCP, 34% are from an ethnic minority background
  • 410 new EHCPs were issued in 2023, a 10% increase
  • 6% of 16-17 year olds with an ECHP and 4.4% with SEN Support needs are not in education, employment or training, compared to 16-17 year olds without SEND (1.6%).

Adult Social Care Support

As of 31 March 2024:

448 young people (aged 16-25) were being supported by the Adults Social Care Preparing for Adulthood Team:

  • 307 aged 18-25
  • 141 aged 16-17

Of those aged 18-25:

  • 86% live in borough
  • 77% live with family
  • 19% live in Supported Living
  • 3% live independently
  • 59% are in education, work or training
Hands holding jigsaw pieces