Strategy development

In January and February 2024, we ran a public consultation that consisted of an online survey with easy read and hard versions available. Additional support was made available through the Local Offer to support those who needed assistance to complete the survey. This consultation was promoted through press releases, emails and social media posts.

A total of 88 survey responses were received

This period of consultation was followed up in March and April 2024 with a range of stakeholder discussions involving young people, parents, carers and community/voluntary partners.

autistic child

These engagement events resulted in the confirmation of three key priorities that had emerged from the online consultation:

  • High quality Education, Health and Care Plans
  • Comprehensive, timely support that is personalised
  • Early and continuous support into adulthood

In addition, this strategy takes account of learning gained from the Ofsted/CQC recommendations captured through engagement with children, young people and their families during the 2023 inspection of local SEND and Alternative Provision services, as well as commitments made through the DfE Safety Valve programme.  All this learning was used to inform the development of this strategy.