Getting the care and support you need
People may need support for a variety of reasons. These include longer-term issues like mental health problems, a learning disability, frailty and physical problems, but also short-term support, such as when returning home from hospital or after a fall.
Anyone over 18 with care and support needs may be eligible for support, as well as people who provide informal care for a family member or friend.
Our duties and your rights under The Care Act 2014
The support provided can include personal care, but also help with activities outside the home, including shopping and community involvement.
Adult Social Care is provided by the Council, along with support from the voluntary and private sectors. These services are typically funded by the person receiving the care. The amount you contribute towards the cost of your care will depend on an assessment of your financial circumstances.
Our Vision for Adult Social Care

We want to ensure that adults with care and support needs have the best possible opportunity to stay in control of their lives, with an emphasis placed on independence and staying part of the community.
We believe that no one knows your needs better than you. We are therefore committed to listening to residents and shaping our services based on your input.
Adult Social Care - The process
Rapid response
Our Rapid Response team is an integrated health and social care team, comprising of social workers, social care assistants, nurses, occupational therapists and physiotherapists.
The team provides urgent support to Bexley residents to remain at home during periods of health or social care crisis. The team operates 7 days a week service.
For support call - 020 3889 0980
To use this service, you will need a referral from your Doctor (GP) or other health and social care professionals. If you require further information about this service call Screeners on 020 8303 7777.
Who to contact out of hours
Adult Social Care services are accessible by phone Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
The London Borough of Bexley operates an out-of-hours advice line during evenings and weekends.
To access the service call 020 8303 7777.
For mental health support please visit our Mental health and wellbeing page.
Call NHS 111 if you think you need medical help right now. They can direct you to the best place to get help if you cannot contact your GP surgery during the day, or when your GP is closed (out-of-hours).
If the person is at risk of immediate harm, call 999