Qualifying for help and support
If you qualify for help and support, we will work together to figure out which services would best help you meet your needs and goals.
These services can include both formal and informal support from the community and some might not cost anything. This plan will be your care and support plan.

One Bexley
One Bexley is a group of eight local charities working together to carry out social care assessments for the London Borough of Bexley. Their goal is to ensure residents get the care and support they need to live the life they want.
We know that everyone is different, with unique needs, interests and strengths. One Bexley focuses on what matters most to each person, helping them build on their strengths and providing support that meets their individual needs and goals.
The One Bexley partnership includes:
- Age UK Bexley
- Bexley Mencap
- Bexley Voluntary Service Council (BVSC)
- Carers' Support Bexley
- Crossroads Care South East London
- Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice
- Inspire Community Trust
- Mind in Bexley
One Bexley’s strong ties with local organisations help people find creative, personalised care and support that suits their needs.
To find out more information visit the One Bexley website.