Around the borough

At any one time, there are likely to be a number of roadworks taking place across the borough. A large number of these roadworks are carried out by utility companies.

If a utility company is carrying out the roadworks you have a query with please contact them for up-to-date information. It is important to note that some of the roadworks mentioned may still be awaiting final permit approval.

Utility company contacts

UtilityContact detailsOnline
SGN24-hour helpline
0800 111 999
UK Power NetworksCustomer Service
0800 028 0247
Power cut helpline 105
Thames WaterLeakline
0800 714 614
Customer Services
0800 980 8800
BTCustomer Services
0800 800 150
Roadworks around the borough


The website provides a useful map with details of all the roadworks taking place with details of the work including the organisation responsible.

Visit website