Parking controls
When you drive around Bexley, you’ll see these signs where parking is restricted.

Some only apply at certain times, in which case the sign will include when. If there’s no day or time on the sign, the rules apply all the time (even at weekends).
Remember, you can never stop on:
- any pavement in London (unless there’s a blue sign saying otherwise)
- any part of a road painted with yellow or white zigzags
- bus stops marked by a yellow box, with the words Bus Stop or Stand
There are also some places you can only park if you have a permit or a Blue Badge. If you’re a visitor to a permit-only parking area, a resident can apply for vouchers you can display in your car while you’re there.
Find a place to park in Bexley
We run 19 of Bexley’s car parks, including one specifically for Blue Badge holders. There are also on-street parking bays.
Restricted Parking Zones (RPZs)
Are a form of parking control, often combined with loading control, to keep the road free for passing traffic.
- RPZs use boundary signs, and occasional repeater/reminder signs, to explain the hours of restriction within the zone
- where no times and days of the week are stated on the boundary signs, the restrictions apply at all times for all days of the week
- when stated on the boundary signs "except in signed bays" there will be locations within the zone where parking or loading may be permitted
- these will be signed and may also be indicated by road markings or different paving/surface material
- drivers should check the sign alongside any bay to ensure they are entitled to park or load within it
- drivers may use the marked out bays for any waiting, parking or loading activity outside the times specified alongside each bay
Footway parking
In general, parking on pavements throughout London is banned. It is permitted where blue signs are placed showing how a vehicle may be parked, and in Bexley, there will also be white bays marked on the pavement.
Stopping where not permitted
- you cannot stop on yellow or white zigzag markings at any time for any reason
- these controls are rigorously enforced using both walking patrol Civil Enforcement Officers and CCTV
Parking in permit bays with a Blue Badge
In Bexley it is permitted for Blue Badge holders to park in disabled, resident, business, pay to park areas, car parks, and shared use parking bays, providing their badge is correctly and clearly displayed.
Stopping in restricted bus stops
It is not permitted to stop in restricted bus stops (shown as yellow boxes with the words Bus Stop or Stand) at any time.
Permit parking
Bexley uses a virtual permit system for most parking permits and car park season tickets. Currently, visitor vouchers (scratch cards) are produced in paper format and are not yet available virtually. All information is relayed directly to the equipment carried by the Civil Enforcement Officers so there is no need for any physical permit to be displayed.
General parking controls
Find out about more about parking controls at London Councils.