Get involved

There are various ways that residents can express their views on Council business.

Contact your local councillor

Find the details of your Ward Councillors.

Speaking at Planning Committee

Members of the public have the right to attend meetings of the Planning Committee and the opportunity to speak either for or against particular planning applications.

Details on how to have your say on a planning application.

Public questions at Council, Overview and Scrutiny Committees and the Health and Wellbeing Board

Residents can ask questions at certain Council and Committee meetings, for details on how to participate please email

Questions at Council meetings can be asked of the Mayor, Leader of the Council or other Member of the Cabinet or any Committee Chairman on any matter for which that Member has responsibility for.

Arrangements for speaking at a meeting will either be included in the agenda pack or, if there are no details provided, you should seek advice from the Council officer whose name appears on the first page of the agenda.

Attending to observe a meeting

Residents are welcome to attend most Council meetings. See details on how to attend a meeting.

Overview and Scrutiny Committees

Residents can put forward ideas for reviewing a topic if there is a key local issue that you would like an Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider as part of its annual work plan, complete the Scrutiny request form.


We recognise that petitions can be one way of highlighting local issues, for information about how we deal with petitions, view our Petition Scheme.

An alternative to a paper petition, you can create and submit an e-petition.


A deputation is a way of lobbying the Council to let us know about a concern you have that is shared with people who live in the Borough. For more information contact 020 8303 7777 and ask for Committee Services. 

Council webcasts

Watch the latest council meeting webcast

The service seeks to make it easier for busy residents to stay in touch with important decisions that affect them.

Go to webcasts