Dealing with complaints
Under the Children Act 1989, we are required to have a procedure to deal with complaints relating to our key social care responsibilities, as defined in the Act.
The children’s statutory complaints procedure has three stages. If a complainant remains dissatisfied after they have exhausted these stages, they can escalate their complaint to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO). They can approach them at any time during the complaints process.
Complaints about our Children’s Social Care Services can be complex and time consuming. Whilst every effort is made to deal with them on time, sometimes responses are delayed due to the investigation time that is required to respond to them or because more information becomes available which changes the nature of the initial complaint.
Our Children’s Social Care Services attempt to contact every complainant by telephone or face to face before they begin investigating their complaint. Sometimes this causes a complaint response to be delayed and/or for the nature of the complaint to change. However, by taking this approach we are often able to resolve a complaint more quickly, prevent it from escalating unnecessarily and ensure all the relevant aspects of the complaint are dealt with correctly. Although naturally, this does not always prevent some complainant’s from escalating their complaint.