Complaints received

The table below provides a breakdown of the total number of complaints received from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

 Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3OmbudsmanTotal
Corporate complaints5915n/a175
Statutory complaints3593249

The chart below shows how this compares with the number of complaints we have received over the last five years.

complaints table

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The number of both Stage 1 and Stage 2 complaints increased significantly in this period compared to the previous year as more individuals were unhappy with the service they received. The proportion of complaints that were escalated from Stage 1 to Stage 2 increased by 6% to 25% compared with the previous year, although a large portion of complaints were still resolved at Stage 1.  We received three Stage 3 complaints which was higher than the previous year and this is an ongoing challenge for the service. 

Only two of the three complaints that progressed to the Ombudsman were investigated, which is consistent with previous years.  and demonstrates that we were able to resolve more than 98% of all complaints locally in the period.