Our employment partners
We are working in partnership with the following organisations to deliver employment support in Bexley, assisting Bexley residents into sustainable employment that will benefit them and their families.
Local London – Bexley Works

Our Local London Bexley Works programme supports people who are economically inactive (not job searched in the last 4 weeks and ready to work in the next 2 weeks) and who need support to help move them into sustained employment or to become economically active.
People can access support to:
- receive employment advice from an adult career’s advisor
- take part in work clubs and employability workshops
- find the right vacancies locally and outside of Bexley
- assess training needs and get help to access courses
To access Local London Bexley Works, call 020 3045 3800 and ask to book on to a Welcome Workshop.
Bexley Twofold - Supported Employment
Bexley Twofold is the job search, training, and supported employment service for residents in Bexley, with learning disabilities who have a need for support to access training and employment opportunities.
Our aim is to help service users find and sustain paid employment.
We help people over the age of 18 and create an individual journey for each service user and will amend support to suit the needs of the individual.
Maximus - Work & Health Programme, Local London Work and Health Programme Pioneer, Restart Scheme

Work and Health Programme (Maximus UK)
The Local London Work and Health Programme can help maximise your potential and find the right job for you.
We will get to know you and identify your skills, support needs and job aspirations so that we can provide you with the right support to achieve your employment goals.
We will help you:
- improve your health and wellbeing
- develop your work skills and gain experience
- boost your confidence and do well at interview
- find a job that is right for you or explore self-employment
- success and progress in your new job
You can get support if you are of working age and live in Bexley, Barking & Dagenham, Bromley, Enfield, Greenwich, Havering, Newham, Redbridge, or Waltham Forest and are:
- disabled and have a health condition or dependency on drugs or alcohol
- unemployed for two years or more
- a veteran, in the reserves or a member of the Armed Forces
- an offender or ex-offender
- a carer, ex-carer, or care leaver
- a victim of domestic violence, homeless or a refugee
- a young person involved in gangs
If you want to know more, speak to your Jobcentre Plus Work Coach or call our employment support team on 020 3045 3800 and ask to speak to a Work and Health Programme Advisor.
Local London Work and Health Programme Pioneer (Maximus UK)
Need help finding work? Local London Work and Health Programme Pioneer provides specialist employment support for people in London who are not in work.
This programme can help you:
- create a CV
- be more confident
- Learn new skills
- find a new job or self-employment
Find out if you are eligible to apply
Eligibility criteria apply. WHP Pioneer is the latest phase of Universal Support. It is
delivered by Maximus for Local London, on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions.
Restart Scheme (Maximus UK)
The Restart Scheme, delivered on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions, is a government initiative supporting people who have spent 9 months or more claiming Universal Credit or Jobseeker’s Allowance and are, at the point of referral, in the Intensive Work Search Regime, to help them get back into work.
As well as employment support, the scheme will help people to access accredited training, mental health services, drug and alcohol support, debt advice, and housing support.
Learning & Enterprise College Bexley (LECB)
BBE are working with the Learning & Enterprise College Bexley (LECB), referring clients for essential training that will help them improve their key skills to become more employable and ready for the job market. The LECB offers the Learning for Work programme delivering courses within sectors such as health and social care, business, digital, teaching and horticulture. They also deliver ESOL, maths and English to further improve employability skills.
For more information regarding any of the above programmes, please contact us on 020 3045 3800 or email contactBBE@bexley.gov.uk