Report a health and safety issue

Health and safety is a fundamental aspect of a working environment and should be maintained to a high standard at all times.

The law requires the following work-related incidents to be reported:

  • fatality
  • major injury
  • minor injury
  • poisoned, disease or other condition

The enforcement of health and safety law is split between Local Authorities and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Below are examples of premises enforced by each authority. Please visit the HSE website for the full list.

Enforced by Bexley CouncilEnforced by the HSE
  • Beauty parlours and hair dressers
  • Churches and places of worship
  • Cinemas and Leisure activities
  • Hotels
  • Nurseries and playgroups
  • Offices (except government offices)
  • Privately owned museums
  • Pubs and clubs
  • Residential homes and sheltered accommodation
  • Restaurants
  • Shops
  • Warehouses (Purely for storage of products)
  • Tyre and Exhaust Fitters
  • Building sites
  • Car repair and garages
  • Chemical plants
  • Council and government premises
  • Dentists and Doctors surgeries
  • Domestic Premises
  • Dry cleaners
  • Factories
  • Fairgrounds
  • Farms
  • Hospitals and nursing homes
  • Mines and quarries
  • Printers
  • Railways
  • Schools and colleges

You can report a health and safety accident/incident or complaint using the following form:

Report health and safety issue

Information for employers, the self-employed and people in control of work premises

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) puts duties on employers, the self-employed and people in control of work premises (the Responsible Person) to report certain serious workplace accidents, occupational diseases and specified dangerous occurrences (near misses).

Find out how to make a RIDDOR report on the Health and Safety Executive website.