Over the past year, Bexley Business & Employment has teamed up with over 30 different employers across Bexley to get 129 young people into work placements.
For many, these 6 month work placements have already led to full time employment and have been crucial in helping individuals discover what career path they want to follow. One of our Kickstarter's who has been kept on in their placement with the Council said "Before my kickstart placement, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do for my career I now know, I want to pursue a career within local authority." Furthermore, the scheme has helped young people gain valuable work skills as well as improve their confidence in the workplace.
We spoke to another one of our Kickstarter's within the council who stated; "Kickstart enabled me to find work after being made unemployed during the pandemic. My kickstart placement was instrumental in helping me enhance my work skills and being comfortable in a work environment. My placement as a Project Assistant saw me liaising with employers as well as attending regular meetings with colleagues and managers. I was fortunate enough to be offered a full time position within the Council, where I am continuing within the same role but with more responsibilities."
The last Kickstart placements were filled in March and we would like to say thank you to all the employers that took part in the scheme as we couldn’t have done this without them. We hope they benefitted from the scheme as much as our young people did, there has been an enormous effort put into this scheme by everyone involved.
Neal Hawkley, DWP Partnerships Manager said: “Working in Partnership with LB Bexley in their capacity as a Kickstart Employer Gateway, and as an Employer in their own right has meant Bexleyheath Jobcentre plus have been able to provide some really fantastic opportunities to our Young People and given them access to jobs and sectors they may not have without Kickstart. The Kickstart scheme has given our Young People the chance to grow and develop their skills whilst on their placement and as a result a number of them have been taken on permanently by the employer and are flourishing in the work place and are a valued member of the team.”
We will continue to support our young people to successfully complete their placements over the next 6 months and wish everyone the best of luck going forward in their employment!