Ellen was referred to BBE employment service by the Jobcentre in January 2023. At her first meeting, her job goals were; NHS or Local Government in a working from home role. Ellen graduated (BA/MA) in Animation and had worked freelance but now needed sustainable work. Sandra, her employment advisor provided help to tailor her CV matching specific vacancies and created a profile that then matched the vacancy of the role she is in now as Autism Activities Executive Officer with Re-Instate.
Ellen’s employment advisor found the local job which seemed made for Ellen given her ‘lived experience’ and transferable creative skills. Ellen was granted an interview and her employment advisor helped with interview preparation.
Success. Ellen received a formal offer and started work with Re-Instate and is very much enjoying her role.
If you are a Bexley resident and need help to find work, please get in touch with us to register by calling 020 3045 3800 or email contactbbe@bexley.gov.uk.
You can also contact us via our website.
Don’t delay, get job searching with BBE now.