Complaint outcomes

During the 2023/24 period, the range of complaint outcomes varied as the charts below show.

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Outcome of Stage 1 complaints over the last five years

complaints table

Outcome of Stage 2 complaints over the last five years

complaints table

Outcome of Ombudsman complaints over the last five years

complaints table


In 2023/24, the outcome for Stage 1 complaints was evenly spread at 18 cases each for "not upheld," partly upheld," and "upheld." This means that we found some element of fault in 67% of all Stage 1 complaints. This is a slight decrease from 71% in 2022/23. Although the number of complaints where no fault was found in this period remained the same as the previous year.

For Stage 2 complaints, 2023/24 had no cases in any category, continuing the trend from 2022/23 where there were also no upheld or partly upheld cases and only one "not upheld" case. No fault was found with any complaints that were escalated to the Ombudsman in this period, which is a decrease from 2022/23 where there were three fault found cases. This suggests a potential improvement in the handling of complaints, leading to fewer escalations to the Ombudsman.