Complaints by service area
In 2023/24, we received a total of 66 complaints. The chart below shows these broken down by service area.
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During this period, there was a significant variation in the number of complaints received across different service areas. As in the previous year, Complex Care received most of the Stage 1 and Ombudsman cases. The number of complaints in this area for the period was notably higher than in the past three years. In contrast, Integrated Commissioning, Integrated Rehabilitation, Integrated Services for Older People, and Safeguarding Adults had only a few complaints.
Public Health did not receive any formal complaints, which may indicate either a lack of issues or an effective service delivery approach. Overall, the concentration of complaints in Complex Care is attributed to it being the largest team, dealing with the most complex casework, and being the sole team handling S42 safeguarding adults. Consequently, the nature of their work results in a higher number of complaints.